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Multiplayer Is An Art, Part 8: Building Decks For Canadians

Stijn takes a reader request to build a deck with Justice and Questing Phelddagrif in it – and then discovers that the deck works better once he removes them. What kind of request is this?

CASUAL FRIDAYS #106: Switching Sides With Style

Ideas for two key threshold cards, as well as twenty-four countermeasures against the Multiplayer Threat of the Set.

The Road To Hell

Stop what you’re doing and read this now! You could be damning yourself to eternal torments! Click this link and SAVE YOUR SOUL!

Good Beats: Swan Song

The bells are breakin’ up that ol’ Pittsburgh gang o’ mine… First Rizzo’s moving to Maine, and now Aaron is quitting Magic – but for a VERY good reason.

November Standard Decks: Odyssey

Team Binary opens their mailing list to the world for a moment… And reveals some of the decks to beat! Looking for a starting point? It’s the Invitational and here.

Europe’s last Foothold on the Big Island Called North America: Where To Party During Grand Prix Montreal

Have you seen The Score? If not, don’t worry – I won’t be giving away much away. (I mean it; I’m a fanatic about movies, and I really don’t want to ruin this so-so flick for anyone). Well, this movie claims to take place in Montreal… But if you come up here, don’t expect to…

Genesis Of Odyssey

Control will be everywhere. But there are so many DIFFERENT ways to win with control.

I Think I’m Tough Because I Have Overrun:PTQ – SD

Rizzo’s movin’ to Maine and tryin’ his hand at them old cards. With pitchures an’ everythang!

Lords of Atlantis: The Long Road Up – Grand Prix Minneapolis *40*

I wanted to come back up, and show them how much better I had gotten. I hoped that with my performance at the Grand Prix, I was able to show them.

Wu Spy: Drivin’ at Midnight in my Chevy

Looking for some good deck to play in November? If you’re a Blue addict, you may find yourself reaching for the and reflexively. Mono-blue’s Draw-Go dreams are dead, right? Maybe. But in the spirit of inquiry, we here at the Shack of Ideas humbly bring you: November Love Revolution Turbo-Chevy * (I’m a sucker for…

A Sligh Look at Odyssey, Pt. 1

Bennie tries a different take at looking at Odyssey – checking cards by mana cost. What cards might make the cut in what Bennie sez is a powerful set?

You CAN Play Type I #11: Brainless Players Vs. Mono Blue

Blinded by individual power cards, too many players end up forgetting the basics… Even Zvi. Well, sorta.

The Worlds (Attempted) Shortest Magic Article

This is the world’s shortest Magic article. (Barring Nate Clark’s two-character Worlds ’98 report submitted to the Dojo.) (The characters were " : " and " ( ".) (I gather he didn’t do too well.) This is going to be the world’s second shortest article, because I have an end-of-year exhibition for my chosen study…

Blonde Skies – A Deck For November Type 2

Play with Thought Nibbler and you have no brains – does this make you a blonde?

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #13: Memories of IBC

It’s wonderful to share in the triumph when your wife makes a Level 2 Judge – but when her first official ruling is to give you a game loss, it’s not quite as cool.