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And You Knew It Had To Happen: The First Fill-In-The-Blank Tourney Report Submission

PTQ Location: Spuzzum, BC (this is an actual place) Date of PTQ: September 31 Number of people attending PTQ: 10 Where Did You Finish? (Check One): ___ i never rote no tourneis reportz before, but i finished first an i promised myslef that if I wun id write one ___ I finished in the Top…

You CAN Play Type I #14: Odyssey to Type I, Part III

Are you getting tired of rehashes yet? Okay, nothing in Odyssey works in Type 1 according to Oscar, but at least he tells you why…

CASUAL FRIDAYS #109: Empire, The South

In Emperor format, the emperor is not the leader. Hey look, it’s modern business management theory, alive and well at your local card shop and kitchen table!

Zombie Infestation Plus Upheaval Is Fun: PTQ San Diego @ Columbus, OH *T1*

We had something like seven guys from CMU (including Turian) attending this PTQ. This was my first PTQ road trip, and for the most part I’d have to say I enjoyed it. The conversation in the car on the way there was a good chance for me to just toss out any random Limited strategy…

Opposition: The Breakdown

I’d call Opposition decks”this year’s Fires,” as they’re insanely consistent and have no glaring weaknesses. Either play it or be ready for it.

Solution For Drudgery: The Fill-In-The-Blank Tourney Report

Having read every frickin’ tournament report on the internet, it has occurred to me that maybe none of you have realized that nobody’s really interested in them.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #15: Happy Halloween!

Hey, it’s trick-or-treat time… And Peter’s whipped up zombies and monsters and all sortsa beasties for some fun play at midnight!

Too Much Control?: The Beginnings Of A States Deck

When you’re taking a Nether Spirit-based control deck into the new Type II, you need to change it. Where do you start? With Finkula, of course. Is double-guessing Finkel wise?

Abedraft Again: Two More Casual Formats For Your Enjoyment

In my first article, I spoke in great length about the creation of a balanced pool of cards to use for various limited events. However, a good balanced pool of cards from all corners of the Magic universe is not only good for the occasional draft. Indeed, it is a unique environment where new and…

You CAN Play Type I #13: Odyssey to Type I, Part II

Mirari, Standstill, Holistic Wisdom… All overrated and overhyped. Trust me.

Peace of Mind: Freon Tech

Black needs some air conditioning. While I’m at it, I might as well heat things up with a burn deck that makes your opponent ask,”Say – what life am I REALLY at?”

Oops – They Dropped Out Again… Adventures In Online Drafting And Godly Green

Ah, I feel like a new man. Refreshed, renewed, and downright relaxed. I’d love to say that my exhibition is going off without a hitch as we speak… (Well, I type, you read, it’s the same thing if we don’t admit otherwise.) …But it’s not. The hitches are queuing up out into the street, and…

CASUAL FRIDAYS #108: Empire, The North

The first of four looks at different aspects of Emperor-style casual play. In this first installment: An Emperor’s draft, both booster and Rochester. Plus,the Antelope draws nigh!


Sheldon’s been sitting still thanks to some minor surgery, but in the meantime he returns to say the magic words:”Cease-Fire is not a counterspell.”

1800 Or Bust!: Small Things And Burn

Jim discusses his builds of Sligh for Type 2, and why a mono-red version just doesn’t cut it anymore….