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Much “Gro”wning in Seattle: Enchantress Charges Into Action!

Maybe it was the amusing deck name, conjuring images of carefree children submerging spongelike dinosaurs in water to watch them grow. Maybe someone put the fear of into them. Or maybe it was just the perplexing shifting of the Extended metagame. One thing was for certain: Miracle Gro had reached Seattle. Although I did not…

Cool Yer Angried-Up Blood, Folks, or: Why Wizards Thinks They Can Get Away With It

They want you to pay $3.29 when you can buy cards in bulk for $2.00 a pack. Can they get away with this? Well, I’m telling you; they just might.

A Frank Discourse: The Relevance Of Malcolm X In The Twenty-First Century

Just think of how many people will turn to The Net to research Malcolm X and get linked to this article. I get all giddy. Also, I’ve apparently sold out.

You CAN Play Type I #24: The Control Player’s Bible, Part VIII

Oscar officially breaks Mowshowitz’s record for”Most words devoted to a single deck!” Film at eleven. Pretty good strategy now.

Casual Magic At Its Best

…and Matt Eddleman, and Israel Marques. The all-multiplayer day continues with a 5 Color Chaos Multiplayer report from three separate players!

CASUAL FRIDAYS #117: DCI Bans Alongi For One Month!!!

All right, it’s not as dramatic as it sounds. But with all the high-profile cheaters out there getting tagged, I felt left out – and so I’ll take what publicity I can get.

The Casual Report #5: Three Important Multiplayer Lessons

Welcome back to both of you who have been waiting with baited breath for the next installment of,”The Casual Report.” Since the , I suspect anyone who was waiting for the next report has long since moved on to reading the lame, and (rarely) not-so-lame tournament reports being offered on the web. Since it has…

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy: Countering Force Of Will

And then Peter Jahn replies to Will Rieffer’s comments on the expense and possible shift of Extended, and how Nether Spirit wouldn’t be good no matter what….

You CAN Play Type I #23: The Control Player’s Bible, Part VII

When should you play Ancestral Recall? What was the second-best use for Fact or Fiction In Type One? Oscar answers all of these and rejoices in some fan mail.

Wacky Wednesdays #5: Armed And Dangerous *Win $5 In StarCity Credit!*

Mark Teskey will be telling this week’s story. Mark just sent his story to me instead of waiting to be taken up in the e-Pen chain; he will get a nice $5 Star City credit for his efforts. If you would like to get that $5, please send your most memorable multiplayer stories to me…

Force of Will: Nervous Yet? A Reply To Peter Jahn

I make contradictory points in this article. Why? Because depending on what the DCI does next, Nether Spirit either is or isn’t a good Extended card.

A Synergistic Draft Review Of Odyssey, Part II: Red, Green, And Everything Else

Is it just me, or does everyone who look at this card just say,”Those losses aren’t acceptable” and pass it on? I’m pretty sure they do. Given the number of powerhouse sources in Odyssey, can be a very welcome addition to your deck. Replaying , , or can turn a game completely around, especially since…

Swinging Atog, Hidden Enchantress

No, this is not the deck by J.J. Stors – but his deck is the reason why I decided to dust off my old Enchantresses and send it onto the battlefield once again. Resurrecting the archetype and updating it to challenge the top decks in the current Extended metagame was not as difficult as I…

Overeager Apprentice.dec

Most of you are probably scratching your head and wondering why in the world I’d ever play this card… But let me say that this card is a lynchpin in this deck.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy Extra Issues Edition: Don’t Worry, Just Buy the Duals!

How much does it really cost to be competitive in Type 2 and Extended, anyway? Peter takes a look at his collection over the past two years and does the math.