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You CAN Play Type I #29: Tormented by Torment, Part I – Creatures!

Will any of Torment’s critters make it into the rarified air of Type One? Doubtful. And yet Oscar believes that one or two may be spongeworthy….


Many players bringing twenty-five cards. One deck. One graveyard. And only a couple of Avatars to share.

Double or Nothing: Brand New Weenie Decks

By new, I don’t mean that I’ll show you how Peek could be replaced with Obsessive Search, or that you can fit Basking Rootwalla into a R/G deck. Here’s some new ideas for the upcoming season.

I Can’t Think Of A Clever Title: PTQ – Nice

WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE. Why? Well, because we try to keep this a family site, every once in awhile something amuses us enough to let it through. You have been warned.

Wacky Wednesdays #10: Oops, I Win!

Win $5 in StarCity credit for your kookiest multiplayer shenanigans! This week: Gary”Boogerhead” Wise!

Warning! This Article Contains No Strategic Value

He’s written umpty-million strategy columns, so we guess it’s okay to just let Bennie go berserk, Larry King-style. We’re not sure we get it, either.

You CAN Play Type I #28: The Control Player’s Bible, Part XII – The Emeralds

“The Deck” doesn’t really use five colors. It uses a primary, a secondary, and two tertiary colors, and a couple of cards in the last color. Green just happens to be that off-color.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #23: A Theme as Old as the Hills

He didn’t dare put in EmbOLDen or ArmAGEddon, but Peter still managed to throw together a deck based around old critters. How did it fare?

CASUAL FRIDAYS #121: The Pain In Torment

What opportunities does Torment provide for multiplayer? What opportunities does it miss? And what Card can we Break? Anthony examines the set broadly, color by color… And then channels rules-lovin’ Rizzo like it ain’t no thang.

The Real Story Behind Torment

Well, as has been my tradition, I will once again analyze the flavor texts of the new set in order to increase storyline and flavor text awareness in the general Magic community.

Double or Nothing: Peek-a-boo!

I was a little unsure about Peek – but hell, if Zvi thinks it’s worth a try in my Psychatog deck, I’m willing to trust him and give it a go!

Don’t Be Too Proud To Beg: Pierre’s Advice On Multiplayer Wins

I found Jeff Wiles’ article entertaining and enlightening at the same time. It is interesting that he actually tried to win, and also that he plays Blue in trying to do so. Both are fatal mistakes.

Fleshing Out the Past: Why Not Return To The Old Days?

Over the course of time, Magic players inevitably turn away from Magic R&D to try their hand at creating cards. It starts simply enough – for me, it was a two-hour long conversation in a red Blazer navigating the Appalachian hills of West Virginia. On the way back from Elkins to Morgantown, a friend and…

Vote Instant!

Wizards will always be making really good green creatures; why squander our shot here, doing something they’re likely to end up doing anyway? Create an instant to hose blue!

Weapons of Mass Distraction #112: FATALITY!

Having beaten the first game with Kung Lao AND Johnny Cage, the Monolith of Magic divulges his secrets behind Mortal Kombat. Whaddyamean it’s spelled with a C?