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Welcome To My Overcompensation, Part II – Pack Dinner And A Sleeping Bag

Wow, can this man write or what?

You CAN Play Type I #32: The Control Player’s Bible, Part XIII – Rounding out “The Deck”

Including a”wacky” deck that you might just play for fun if you had a thousand dollars in cards, and comin’ up on the finish line with artifacts!

Wacky Wednesdays #14: Writing For Wacky Wednesdays Is An Art….

Share your craziest multiplayer story and win $5 in StarCity credit!

Oh, For God’s Sake, He Broke The Database Again – His Article, Part III

Yeah, yeah, yeah, more Rizzo.

Welcome To My Overcompensation – Pack A Lunch (Part One)

So Rizzo’s one-line articles are explained – and he turns in a HUNDRED-PAGE ARTICLE to make up for it. Does the editor have enough time to edit a hundred pages in a day? Hells no. At least Rizzo won two tourneys with this deck, though.

Torment Draft Review: How’s The Black Lookin’?

Black Yeah, generally the black is pretty dang solid. The removal is excellent; just plain and downright excellent. The nightmare horrors are interesting, to say the least, and the other spells are pretty strong. There are a few duds (I mean, is a reprint from Homelands!), but it’s generally all quality cards that mesh pretty…

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #26: Breaking Plagiarize

I built half-a-dozen decks trying to break this damn card wide open. It was a lot tougher than you might think.

Tasty Leftovers: Q&A with Mark Rosewater

I did an interview with Mark Rosewater in Scrye #50 (on sale now!). But when I was done, I had some questions (and answers) left over… Which were too good to toss into the bin. So here they are!

Force of Will: Blue In The Twenty-First Century

Is blue too strong in Standard and Extended? Should blue be defanged? Will does a statistical analysis to see if the numbers support his gut feeling – that blue is just fine…

CASUAL FRIDAYS #124: Hall Of Fame Tour Guides: The Warriors

This Casual Fridays is packed

With limericks, both made up and fact

With a verse in each Hall

Can he finish ’em all

Before Alongi turns into a hack?

Dead Men Walking

The question America has been asking: What, oh WHAT, would Millard Fillmore look like if he were a Magic card? The exciting answer lies within!

Don’t Let Them Tell You Compost Is Merely Okay, Jamoke

My teammate Disco-Dave figured he’d give it a go on Saturday, and managed 4-1-1 with it. I saw the single match loss, and I still can’t figure out how it happened. Then I’ve gone 15-4 with it. Wanna see?

Wild Madness: Trying Something New

Jay Schneider’s touting his new Wild Research/Plagiarization deck; now me, I’m not sure. Is it Tier One?

And So It Begins: Decks for Regionals

The more I test, the more I feel that decks that have good card drawing engines to get them to what they need may be the way to go for Regionals this year

Wacky Wednesdays #13: Here, Have A Grenade!

Share your craziest multiplayer story and win $5 in StarCity credit!