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Sex, Drugs, And Ancestral Tribute For Four

I am now convinced that Alex Shvartsman must be one of the best players on Earth. All he does is travel to every Grand Prix in the world and make top eight. I’d write an article entitled”Searching for Alex Shvartsman”… But I don’t think I could find him.

Double or Nothing: Brand New Weenie Decks

By new, I don’t mean that I’ll show you how Peek could be replaced with Obsessive Search, or that you can fit Basking Rootwalla into a R/G deck. Here’s some new ideas for the upcoming season.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #121: The Pain In Torment

What opportunities does Torment provide for multiplayer? What opportunities does it miss? And what Card can we Break? Anthony examines the set broadly, color by color… And then channels rules-lovin’ Rizzo like it ain’t no thang.

The Real Story Behind Torment

Well, as has been my tradition, I will once again analyze the flavor texts of the new set in order to increase storyline and flavor text awareness in the general Magic community.

Fleshing Out the Past: Why Not Return To The Old Days?

Over the course of time, Magic players inevitably turn away from Magic R&D to try their hand at creating cards. It starts simply enough – for me, it was a two-hour long conversation in a red Blazer navigating the Appalachian hills of West Virginia. On the way back from Elkins to Morgantown, a friend and…