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Mixed kNuts: SpongeJohn SquareNash

How does advanced game theory and trying to pick up a blonde apply to Rochester Draft? While discussing a half-naked Padme, the Knutster shows you theories of cooperative gaming and how they apply to drafts.

The Calm Before The Storm: U/G Quiet Speculation

It’s degenerate. It’s broken. It will require immediate bannings to keep Standard from being imbalanced… Or so the pundits have said regarding Quiet Speculation, which has the potential to make a degenerate triumvirate with Deep Analysis and Roar of the Wurm.

FINAL JUDGEMENT: What’s All This Madness?

I’ve gotten many questions lately about Madness, especially the”until next time you pass” part of it. It’s pretty straightforward if you break down all the steps… And I’ll show you how to break it down.

Green Tealeaves: Buehler, and OBC Updates

This past weekend, I finally got the chance to log in some matches and get a feel for the overall strength of the new monogreen in OBC I was generally impressed by its performance… And to no one’s surprise, Phantom Centaur is a hoss.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #35: They Killed Extended! The Bast234s!

I think that every single deck -except one – that defines the current metagame is dead. I’ll be a bit different, and list the regular card combos that got lost and decks that are affected. Then I’ll go on to decks that will survive, and new ones that will thrive.

Glorious T’hilah

What happens when you hand the Hebrew prerelease card to a Rabbi in order to translate it? Well, the card’s not as accurate as you might think.

The Magic Summer Games

First off is the Lava Axe throwing competition. And once you’ve cauterized all your wounds from that, we head right into the Giant Strength round with two very Hungry, Hungry Heifers sit atop a teetering Sandstone Needle….

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #34: Ranting about Blue

It LOOKS like yet another rant on blue… But in reality, it’s an analysis of how much you can afford to play on a creature. Using GP: Milwaukee’s Top 64 decks as a basis, Peter tells you why the Magic number is three.