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How To Get Ready For The Coming Onslaught, Part 2

Mistform Mask

This will be great at the kitchen table in multiplayer games. See, you can get twenty or thirty of these and put them under that leg that’s short and that causes the table to wobble. This prevents spillage of beer and chips onto the playing surface, thus keeping your Child of Gaea and Teeka’s Dragon safe and clean.

The Daily ‘Slaught – An Unique Experiment, And A Look At Snapping Thragg

Hey – in a unique and definitely nonreplicable experiment, I’m going to be looking at a different piece of Onslaught art every day for a week! I chose to address Snapping Thragg first because I find it very refreshing in is execution; its primary strength is in its loose and casual approach.

Another Month – More Changes in Five Color

Assuming that Weathered Wayfarer works for any land, as it currently reads, then this is a recurring tutor every turn for any land, and that is quite powerful in 250. If it reads like this at the Pre-release, then I will personally recommend that it be placed on the October Ballot for restriction.

The Daily Shot: The Onslaught White Review, H – Z

While that powerhouse engine let you draw cards of the type of your choice, the Sylvan/Words Of Worship engine has you gaining massive life every turn – ten per turn, per Sylvan. Add to that the fact that you can turn your normal cantrips into lifegain cards, and you’ve got some serious potential.

I’ll Bet A Hundred Words Per Card That These’ll All See Play In The New Extended

I’m sick of hearing people say that R&D has castrated white in Extended – get over Swords to Plowshares, people! In the meantime, I’m willing to ante up 181 cards that will see play at PT: Houston – and if I’m wrong, I may wind up writing sixty-four pages of crow.

Rehashing Rehash Central: Saving Magic

Like I said before, I think that the Cycling mechanic is a very interesting one and will definitely interact well with existing mechanics such as threshold. Like Madness, though, it appears that Cycling has a few bombs and a few duds. I’ll be taking a look at what I consider to be the best or most interesting cycling card in each color.

The Grand Experiment: Playing Baked In The Bean Bracket

“I wonder,” said The Ferrett, ruminating on the uncanny amount of potheads who play Magic,”Whether playing stoned makes it easier or worse. I mean, it’d be more complicated… But on the other hand, everything might fall together. Either way, it’d make a hell of a tourney report.”
I did not know what a madman Ted Knutson is.
Even though The Holy Kanoot had never smoked before, he may (or may not) have actually performed the experiment, ingesting illicit drugs that StarCity does not condone in order to see whether it helps both your play AND your astigmatism. You may not agree with what he did… But after a man makes a sacrifice like that, how can I not publish his findings?

The Daily Shot: The Onslaught White Set Review, A – G

I know, I know. Everybody is going to be doing a set review –
and eventually, you’ll want to swear off reading set reviews altogether. I feel your pain, I really do. Just… Trust me on this one. Before you get burned out on set reviews and Onslaught discussion, try to give me a chance.

From Right Field: How to Get Ready for the Coming Onslaught, Part 1

Chris Romeo is back… And he’s WRITING FOR STARCITY AT LAST! (Well, after that brief dalliance with MagicCan, but we’ve forgiven him.) If you’ve never read Chris, all we can say is that his set review is more amusing than most. As witness:

Battlefield Medic

There’s a guy like this in every block. And in every block, I use him as a proxy for the really good cards until I can afford them.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #45: Onslaught in Multiplayer, Part I – White And Blue

There must be a card that changes all creature types. Yup – Standardize. Let’s see – I have more creatures than anyone else. I have six mana, three of it blue. I have Force of Will backup. Standardize, Peer Pressure… I now own all creatures in play, permanently. Want to concede now?

The Daily Shot: My Amazing Grand Prix Trial Win, Part Two

Now, if my last card is anything but Krosan Reclamation, the board will be my 4/4 and 2/2 against his 2/2 potential first striker and 4/4 first striking land, with his Glory in the graveyard. With Joe at twelve life and yours truly at seven, he could race with no problem. Topdeck or no?

A Casual Player’s Dream Set?

Gigapede is perhaps one of the best cards in the set given it’s innate comboliciousness with Violent Eruption, but the card represents a clear sign that Wizards intends for Green to have access to graveyard recursion, at least for now. Genesisseemed a little out of flavour, but was fine due to the whole”Judgement Incarnation” factor. Gigapede, on the other hand, feels like a black card.

The Daily Shot: My Amazing Grand Prix Trial Win, Part One

Most games involve a lot of swinging with tight men. You know how this deck works: Get threshold, beat face, end game. Sideboard. Repeat. It’s rock-solid, and all you need is one island and one forest. It’s great against other U/G decks because it’s faster, and it’s great against Monoblack because of the sideboard and the fact that it can take Game 1 on a semi-regular basis.

How The Pros F**k Up

I witnessed a match where one player had a Nantuko Shade and enough mana to attack and finish off his opponent; said opponent was tapped out and had no blockers left on the board after an Edict. The name pro did not attack for the win, instead keeping two mana open in case of an Aether Burst that could not be cast. And yet his play is a lesson to all of us wannabes.

The Daily Shot: The Decks Of Geordie Tait

Geordie 8-0’d the Grand Prix trial the night before Cleveland… But what decks did he go through before that precious night, and what lessons did he learn about OBC?