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The Casual Player’s Guide to Surviving the Onslaught Prerelease

Your last-minute strategy guide for tomorrow’s Big Fun Day. Don’t know what you’re doing? Let The Ferrett walk you through how to build a deck, what sorts of spells to look for, and his initial impressions on the Onslaught environment!

StarCity Announcement!

Coming Monday, StarCity will post an announcement indicating that
there will be a huge announcement the Monday following that Star City may upgrade the site on some Monday hence. If you’re good (meaning that you buy lots of merchandise), StarCity might even announce that we’ll be posting articles on a future Monday as well.

The Prerelease Survival Guide: What Common Tricks Do You Need To Watch Out For?

I’ll discuss the usual threats in Onslaught block in order to get you ready for Saturday’s Game: Instants that can ruin your day,”falters,” and things that will downright wreck you if you’re not careful. In fact, I’ll even give you a chart that shows you what combat tricks they’re likely to have, based on the mana they have open!

Double Or Nothing: What Do We Lose?

Every time a new set shows up, we get a slew of”the new Standard” articles, telling us how a whole host of new decks based around unlikely card combos will be wrecking Standard in a months time. If a deck has been eating up tournaments for a year, and it’s left intact by a rotation, why should it stop winning? Jim looks at the current top decks to see who comes out unscathed.

The Daily ‘Slaught – Now For A Morph Creature I’d Like To See Sunny Side Up, and More Than Meets The Eye

All right, so we forgot to put up Michael’s effort to be daily yesterday. Would it help if we put up not one, but TWO articles at once? We thought so!

Goblins: Peeking Into The New Type 2

Now, my first impulse when looking over the Onslaught spoiler and casually observing the available Goblins was,”Nice try, Wizards, but…” But Steven’s deck made me take another look. I may not be King of Beatdown, but it seems to me that a red goblin deck can really dish out some major damage.

Joshua X Presents: Maybe, Team Academy Was Right

Okay; Grand Prix Cleveland is long gone. This article, however, is not about the new Type Two, or a card-by-card analysis of the newest set. This is an article telling you why Team Academy was right:
I’m s**t.

The Daily ‘Slaught: Shoot The Duck! Shoot The – Well, I Think It’s A Duck. It’s Some Sort Of Bird, Anyhow

It just occurred to me: I hope this card has Morph. Because if I was ever forced to use it as my 23rd card in Sealed, I could play it face-down, and never activate its Morph ability, and NEVER HAVE TO LOOK AT THE GOD-AWFUL ART ON THIS CARD. Gah.

You CAN Play Type I #58: The Control Player’s Bible Part XXVI – Deck Deconstruction: Aggro vs. “The Deck”

There are two basic sideboarding options for an aggro deck. First, it can add threats and speed up; second, it can add control elements, moving towards aggro/control. The first option seems to be the most intuitive, but it’s actually the most difficult to pull off.

The Mana Curve Of Future Standard Colours

The first thing to mention about upcoming Standard is that, unless things changed dramatically, we’re going to be looking at a lot of U/G for at least the first month or two, unless I’m really missing something. The second thing to mention is that the resulting Tier One control deck will either remain U/B Tog, or be Upheaval based, or be U/W based.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #46: Onslaught in Multiplayer, Part II – And The Rest

For multiplayer, I see a lot of interesting cards, although I am depressed about Insurrection. Altar of Dementia and Reins of Power was a powerful, but reasonable, deck. Altar of Dementia and Insurrection is pretty awful – it just wins in way too big a style. A few other cards have similar impacts – and I hate to see any simple combo that just wins too easily.

How To Get Ready For The Coming Onslaught, Part 2

Mistform Mask

This will be great at the kitchen table in multiplayer games. See, you can get twenty or thirty of these and put them under that leg that’s short and that causes the table to wobble. This prevents spillage of beer and chips onto the playing surface, thus keeping your Child of Gaea and Teeka’s Dragon safe and clean.

The Daily ‘Slaught – An Unique Experiment, And A Look At Snapping Thragg

Hey – in a unique and definitely nonreplicable experiment, I’m going to be looking at a different piece of Onslaught art every day for a week! I chose to address Snapping Thragg first because I find it very refreshing in is execution; its primary strength is in its loose and casual approach.

Another Month – More Changes in Five Color

Assuming that Weathered Wayfarer works for any land, as it currently reads, then this is a recurring tutor every turn for any land, and that is quite powerful in 250. If it reads like this at the Pre-release, then I will personally recommend that it be placed on the October Ballot for restriction.

The Daily Shot: The Onslaught White Review, H – Z

While that powerhouse engine let you draw cards of the type of your choice, the Sylvan/Words Of Worship engine has you gaining massive life every turn – ten per turn, per Sylvan. Add to that the fact that you can turn your normal cantrips into lifegain cards, and you’ve got some serious potential.