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Under Duress: The Art Of Duressing In The New Type Two

Back in the days of Academy, Duress was a turn 1 Godsend, capable of grabbing the explosive turn 1 Dark Ritual, the largest monored burn spell, or Academy’s first Windfall. But in the new and much slower environment, is turn 1 Duress always the best play?

Overselling The Wake: Tweaking Two Decks

Budde said something that got my wheels turning when he said that the deck could create”infinite” elephant tokens. Well, when I think”infinite,” I jump straight to the phrase”game over” – so I asked myself if there was anyway to guarantee a one-turn kill. Turns out the answer is yes. Also, my Oversold Cemetery tech seems to be slugging it out at about 50/50 with U/G – better than most!

You CAN Play Type I #64: Opening Up Onslaught, Part V – Instants

Ah, yes.”Draw X” always gets your attention, and Read The Runes caught my eye… But a small Read the Runes doesn’t look very impressive; compare this to a small Braingeyser or a small Stroke. So we end up with the question,”Can combo use this to set up the end game?”

GP Philly in Eight Cards

Telling me I’m terrible is not news.

Towing Jehova, Visara, Jareth, And Glarecaster To A 2-3 Drop

So I opened my deck and North Korea called, asking me if they could maybe buy a few off of me – I had Visara, Jareth, AND Glarecaster. And I screwed the deck build. So after an ignominious defeat, I asked Alex Shvartsman and Gary Wise what I did wrong… And the answer was most distinctly NOT about the bombs. Plus, a possible Mobilization build that works? Check your States, man…

No Sleep Is Not An Excuse For Piss-Poor Editing

So I was rushing the edit job thanks to the fact that I needed content for Monday… And I missed a major error by an author big time. Big time. In the kind of error that Team Academy mocks other sites about. All I can say is that I’m sorry.

From Right Field: How to Get On With It

Have you got some extra money and were thinking,”Gosh, how could I blow $150 on a B/W Clerics deck?” Well, here’s your answer – along with a much cheaper one, for those of you who like that sort of thing. Also, I get to play with Shelter, which is sad because I can’t play with the Shelter chick. She’s hot.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #51: Free Fatties

It’s fun to play with creatures like Phantom Nishoba, Hypnox, and Verdant Force, but they’re too expensive to play…. So what’s the solution? Simple – don’t cast them. There are plenty of other ways of getting fatties into play without paying all that mana. It’s like being the Hulk after an injection of Super Soldier serum and wearing Iron Man’s outfit!

Joshua X Presents: Adapting Jensen’s R/B Control To Standard

I watched Jensen play the deck at Grand Prix: Cleveland with my own two eyes, and I couldn’t resist trying to adapt it. I have gone through at least seventeen different versions of the sideboard, ranging from aggressive strategies to more control to just about fifteen different sorceries… And I feel that this is the best version.

Magic Art Matters – My Prerelease Art Critique

StarCity’s latest Featured Writer attended the Onslaught prerelease – and he cracked the cards he wanted! Of course, Michael doesn’t play to win… He plays for pleasure, as he analyzes the prettiest cards he saw at his prerelease.

From Right Field: How To Bring Down The House

I see possibilities in unloved cards. I am a one-man Isle of Misfit Cards. For example, while everyone is going completely ape slick over the beef in Onslaught (yes indeedily-doodily, Silvos is block rockin’ beats), I have to wonder why people aren’t playing Gurzigost… But, alas, Gurzigost is from all the way back in Torment.

Mixed Knuts: States And The Magic Invitational, Or “Prepare For The Invitational? Ha!”

Here’s the first piece of data that I find interesting: Despite the pitifully small sample, decks that featured Opposition in them finished 8-1 against the field. That’s right, 8-1 from three different builds of Opposition. But which deck has been faring the best in Ted’s testing?

The Road To States 2002, Part The Third: Who Let The Dogs Out?

I’ve monkeyed around with adding different colors to OBC Deep Dog in order to strengthen the mirror and maybe help against Sligh, but I discovered that Dog’s mana base is like a Porsche’s fuel injection: It’s very, very fine-tuned and it doesn’t like different kinds of gas. Black is right out. But what other color might work?

CASUAL FRIDAYS #141: The Gold Hall Of Fame

The numbers mix-up is done… And by Jeezum crow, the complete downloadable spreadsheet is here at last! And while gold cards may not be in Onslaught, but they’re still the lifeblood of many casual players! Find out Alongi’s top 35 picks, and his suggestions for multiplayer staples.

Frozen Hands: Looking Towards The Metagame Clock For An Answer To Wonder Dog

The metagame clock seemed to lay out the course of OBC fairly well, I think, only notably missing a few decks like”Pirates” and the Wake combo deck. Since Wonder Dog is a UG aggro-control deck, it should have beatdown enemies; that doesn’t seem to be the case with this deck, however, thanks to the cut-rate fatties. So what are the problems again when addressing the problems posed by format’s noted”best deck”?