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From Right Field: How To Take A Look Back

Odyssey Block was great. It was the block that made me realize that the folks at Wizards R&D are extremely creative people. They may never run out of ideas. As a matter of fact, it kind of reminds me of Urza’s block. Urza’s block was SO full of good stuff that we STILL can’t find the bottom of it.

The Third Annual StarCity Awards Show!

One thousand, seven hundred and eighty-three articles. That’s how many pieces StarCity has published over the past year. That’s an average of 6.83 articles every weekday for your pleasure – or about three and a half million words. That’s the equivalent of 3,800″How I Spent My Summer Vacation” articles, seventeen Stephen King novels, or half a Rizzo article.
So what was the best article? The funniest article? The worst article and the weirdest story? Find out if I mentioned you by name!

Introducing “Casual Magic” at the Star City Game Center!

Casual Magic ‘04 – Better Than Ever! Tired of players who take Magic way too seriously? Want to be able to build decks using most of the cards you own? Interested in playing Magic simply because it’s fun? Then Casual Magic is for you! But what is Casual Magic, and why should you be playing…

Modified Swiss Explained

Ever wonder just what”modified swiss” means? Wonder no more…

Fun With Old Cards #4: Grrr… I WANT TO KILL SOMETHING!

I’m not gonna be subtle today. I was gonna hold back on this one, saving it for when I really wanted to get even with an aggressive multiplayer group – but to heck with it. I’m gonna share it with you. Warn ’em, my conscience tells me. Warn these people about my deck…

Mixed Knuts: A Dope Beat To Step To, Part II – Michael Jackson’s Old Nose

Michael Jackson’s Old Nose is a deck that I have played a lot since States, and I feel that it is fully Tier 1 in the environment. However, it is also more difficult to play than I originally anticipated, as the environment and the deck have evolved a bit since OBC season. Also, Ted’s wife takes a stab at writing, and the usual array of links to pics of hot chicks!

We Kid Because We Love. And So We Don’t All Go Insane.

Hi, all; Jon Becker here. It seems that my venom bank is full, and it is time for a periodic purge of the online Magic-reading binge I have been on over the past X months. Hopefully, some of you will identify with some of this, and we can have a collective cathartic venting. Let’s take a look at Jay Schneider’s latest deck, Slideshow, which as usual should be good for about two thousand words or so – plus, the Magic Writers’ Separated At Birth Contest!

18,000 Words: White Weenie – Fiends

Welcome back to another installment of 18,000 words, in which I once again pay off the debt I owe society, word by word. This week, we’re looking at Christophe Lippert’s Fiends and Joachim Hoh’s White Weenie.
Word-O-Meter: 2500/11900 Words (21% Complete)

Mixed Knuts: A Dope Beat To Step To, Part I

I’m a bit gushy about the format, so you’ll forgive me if I say that I am completely impressed with how well Ons-Ons-Ons draft plays, particularly when it’s only the first set in the block. Instead of gushing [porn link deleted], what may help you out are three tidbits that I’ve learned over the last six weeks that turned me from a total scrub to someone who breaks even online with consistency. Also, I made some outrageous States predictions: How accurate was I? The answers may surprise you.

The HEISS And You

For those of you who need a little Nate Heiss rogue spice in their life, I give you with a little Extended deck I have been working on that uses many of my favorite cards. It is a decent deck that I may run in a later PTQ, but I am always glad to share… ‘Tis the season, after all!

Multiplayer Is An Art, Part 22: Killing Time With Highlander

This article is provided as a time killer. For when you’re bored because you need to attend the visits of aunts and grand uncles that you’ve never even heard of. They call you by your brother’s name, because they do not know you either and they can only vaguely remember a set of names which they randomly try, hoping to match them all correctly at the first try. All I can do to pass the time is tell you about my Highlander deck….

Twelve Cards You’re Underdrafting Right Now

There are a number of cards in Onslaught Limited that I do not believe are getting the proper appreciation – so I’ve created a list of them, and I’ll also delve into the reasons why I think they’re going unappreciated. These are cards that are going really late in the draft, or just not seeing the amount of play that they should be – but in one way or another, I feel they are definitely underrated.

Building Your First Five, Volume Seven: Dashing Through the Restricted List A-H

If there is one mistake that rookie deckbuilders make on a regular basis, it’s trying to include as many cards on the restricted list as possible in their decks. This might not be a bad idea if cards were placed there solely because they were so overwhelmingly powerful that every deck should play them…. But the problem is that decks were built around these cards. Your deck isn’t that deck.

From Right Field: How To Have A Merry Christmas

While some people may have the brightest yard decorations in the neighborhood (requiring the police to stop by and make them shut down every night at 10 p.m. or risk a fine) and others make 132 dozen cookies, I get to write about a Magic deck that is inspired by Christmas carols and Christmas folklore. Yep – my annual Magic deck based on Christmas carols. And I always make sure that it’s Standard-legal. Merry Christmas!

Happy Holidays From the Entire Staff at StarCityGames.com!

Home for the holidays? Looking to discuss Magic? Check out the StarCityGames.com Forums! Here’s a few examples of the what’s currently being discussed…

1. Ever wished you had a direct pipeline into the mind of a Pro player? Join Your Move Games founder, Rob Dougherty, as he works with the StarCityGames.com forums community in order to design a competitive Extended deck!

2. Deconstruct”The Rock” – Most of the cards within the Rock are a given… 4 Yavimaya Elder, 4 Pernicious Deed, 4 Duress, etc… but it’s those last couple of cards that can make the difference between winning or losing. Spike Feeder vs. Ravenous Baloth… who makes the cut in YOUR version?

Register… and share YOUR thoughts with the community!