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Beat The Cheat: Tracking The Card Count

In recent years, some midwestern players out of Iowa City, Iowa have taken preventative measures a step further. They have begun employing the use of something referred to as”the card count.” The card count is a nearly foolproof manner in which you are able to monitor if your opponent has drawn more cards in a game than they were supposed to.

Only You Can Prevent Game Losses

Do you ever feel that your true potential is squandered because of silly procedural errors that cost you games? Do you find yourself blaming judges for preventing you from being a contender?
Time to face facts, my friend: Only you can prevent game losses.

WE Make The Card: The Critical Part

Almost everything is ready – the only missing link is one of the most important. We have yet to determine a flavor text for the creature! Daniel discusses the various flavor texts and states which ones he likes… And which ones he doesn’t.

Marge, In Some Ways, You And I Are Very Different People

Onslaught Sealed is more luck-reliant than it’s ever been before. I was at this one event where a little kid threw all 105 cards into the air, plucked forty cards at random, and 5-0’d the prerelease! And the thing was, this was a child crack addict who had never played Magic before – he thought he was playing in a high-stakes poker tournament to become the Count of Monte Cristo!
So is this true? I mean, REALLY?

Reader Feedback, Part I: We Want To Know!

You know what the best part about having forums is? The fact that I can ask you all for feedback, and get it pretty damn instantly. So I have four questions to ask of you all now – and to make things interesting, I’ll be holding the first-ever StarCityGames.com Forum Contest!

Onslaught Set Review, Feeding Frenzy – Z

Grinning Demon is not strictly superior to Juzam. If you morph him into play, he might attack one turn sooner – but you wasted your third and fourth turns waking him up, serving him coffee, trying to get him motivated. In that way, he reminds me of me.

Price Of Progress: Gratitude

I want to thank everyone who voted for me for the Invitational; I was absolutely stunned to receive a spot this year. I’ll be heading off to Seattle for the Invitational in about a week – and not only do I need to figure out how to play Two-Headed Giant, but I need a card to submit. If you read this and you have any ideas about what card I should submit for the Invitational, please send me an email.

How To Get Ready For The Coming Onslaught, Part 5

The cost for Wall of Mulch’s activated ability should just be”G, Sacrifice Wall of Mulch” – unless you plan on playing with eight or twelve or sixteen walls. If you do, let me know where you’re playing; I need a bye in round one.

Camouflage Multiplayer Tactics: The Five Keys To Being Ignored

Anthony Alongi doesn’t get it. Sam Zitin doesn’t get it. Stijn van Dongen doesn’t get it. Tom Fenwick doesn’t get it. Robert Taylor doesn’t get it. Andrew Healy sort of gets it, but not really. I think Peter Jahn gets it, but he doesn’t write about it. I thought Tim Ward was going to get it, but then he lost it. The Ferrett gets it, but he hasn’t reminded anyone about it in over a year.