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Further Fiddling With Flores: Hunting Sound 2K3

“Hunting Sound” is the pet name for the Hunting Grounds deck I played six months ago, re-applied to the updated U/G/w aggro mold. The deck was extremely aggressive, with almost no board control elements whatsoever. This made the deck somehow comforting to play. You either beat your opponent upside the face , or the deck just didn’t deliver and you’d shrug your shoulders to show your disdain for those overpriced fetchlands that don’t even fix mana 75% of the time.”Flooded Strand,” you’d remark,”Who needs ’em?”

Targeting Merfolk Looter: U/G In Today’s Standard

I have a confession to make: I am Adam Prosak and I have an addiction to Wild Mongrel. I also have an unholy love for Quiet Speculation, which was so good to me that it placed me 5th at Grand Prix: Cleveland and won me the Kentucky Open (sorta), so you know I’ve been playing U/G since it began. And though I’m qualified for Nationals on ranking, here’s a complete listing of the U/G build I would play if I were to go to Regionals, the sideboarding strategyes, and what to watch for in each matchup.

Mixed kNuts: Aw Yes Indeed, It’s Fun Time

I was all prepared to do a big blowout article like I usually do, bringing your ass fully up on all the latest tech… Until I read Scott Johns’ article yesterday and realized he covered everything. So now that you’ve been brought fully up-to-date on what the metagame looks like, I’m going to take a look at how to attack each of the decks Scott covered. If you wanted to go about disrupting their game plan, how exactly would you do it?

Working The Crowd: How To Use Your Friends And Audiences To Ace The Top 8

Your friends and teammates are best used for reconnaissance. For example, during a Constructed tournament, during the final rounds of Swiss play, your buddies can walk around the top tables and remember unusual maindeck or sideboard cards. During the actual final 8, there might be temptation for your pals to watch your match; instead, send them out to scout the next round’s opponent, again looking for relevant maindeck and sideboard cards. And if you want to know how to stop people from scouting you, well… You’ll have to read the article.

Dead Presidents: Heeeey Yoooou Guuuuuys!

I talked to Carl a bit after I had made my decision on the winners in order to find out what modifications he made to the deck over the last few weeks. He told me he hadn’t changed the maindeck (there was too much synergy in the build he originally submitted), but he did provide a sideboard that represents a virtual transformational sideboard against other control decks like Tog, MBC and Slide.

The Definitive Guide To Regionals!

Good luck to everyone participating in this weekend’s Regionals!

Nothing You Can Do: The U/G I Fell In Love With

I became somewhat enchanted with the Green/Blue deck I played at the M’s Collectibles Invitational. It performed so well for me and gave me a nice feeling that I hadn’t felt in a while in Constructed: The feeling that in some games, there was nothing my opponent could do to stop me from winning. Let me show you my unconventional sideboard (no Composts?) and the sideboarding strategies for each matchup.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #66: Eight Words on Multiplayer

Here’s the dirty little secret to casual and multiplayer games – people do not want to think long and hard. If you present them with a mess like a Spike Feeder, a Seal of Strength, and a Wild Mongrel, they are not going to attack you – they will attack someone else who doesn’t force them to do as many mathematical calculations. In most cases, you don’t need to have an indefensible position – a complex position is often enough redirect attacks. It sure works for me.

Elvish Succession, Part III: Deck-by-Deck Strategies

It won the thirty-player Kings Games Tournament. It won the NEC tournament at the Dragon’s Lair in West Hartford, Connecticut. Alex and Zvi both made the top 8 at the MagicSingles.com Invitational with Elvish Succession; Alex defeated Zvi in the quarterfinals and went on to take 2nd place. Rob’s played it in eleven Magic Online eight-man tournaments, splitting in the finals of seven of them for a total match record of 16-4. Is this the dark horse for Regionals?

Nine Short Stories About Milton

I’m going to tell you about how I was soundly defeated in Round 1 of the single-elimination cube draft by Josh Rider. This in itself is not newsworthy, but his method of victory was a strange one – he took me down without a single shot being fired. In fact, he took me down solely via his extremely clever method of being drunk off his ass, using a technique I like to call”Strategic Inebriation.”

Countdown to Regionals: Final Exam Study Guide

For those competing this weekend at U.S. Regionals, at this point you’re either putting on those last polishing touches, reviewing potential opponents’ deck lists, trying to decide which deck of your favorites to go with, or cramming for a deck at the last minute. No matter which applies to you, the time for abstract theory is over and the time for decklists decklists decklists is in full swing! In this article, I’ll be covering as many archetypes as I’m capable of, with a focus on the key choices available while keeping an eye toward the metagame as a whole. No deck exists in a vacuum – and after this article is done, hopefully you’ll know where yours stands.

Magic Art Matters: U/G Madness!

Regardless of whether you chose to run U/G yourself, you are going to see a boatload of Wild Mongrels that first Saturday in May; many Wonders will be pitched and there will be numerous flying Wurms, of both the Arrogant and Roaring variety. So why not take a closer look at the art on the core cards, and let your right brain take over for a bit?

Autopsy Of A Draft: Who Won This Draft, And Why?

Drafts containing lower-level players play by a different set of rules than those that take place at Pro Tours and Grand Prixs. I wanted to dissect an amateur draft and try to work out exactly where certain players went wrong. Not top-level drafts – but drafts with players of varying skill, such as those you may take part in at your local store or on Magic Online. In order to do this, I had to talk to the players after the draft and find out what decisions they made and how they affected the draft. Hopefully, the results are worth it; they certainly opened my eyes to a few things.

Two Rogue Decks You Won’t See at Regionals

The Rogue in me is battling with the Johnny in me. I’m down to B/R Land Destruction and CounterRift, and I’ve decided I’m gonna test them both to see how they do – or if they do well at all.

What Am I Playing At Regionals This Year? Big Bird

I had just finished writing about the Elfball deck for the Magic Online site, and liked some of the interactions of the other cards in it, so I decided to make a more Standard-worthy version of the deck and try it out on Magic Online. At 9 a.m., I had lost only one game and decided to split in the finals. Somehow, my Elf deck had gone undefeated…