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Initial Thoughts On The 8th Edition Rotation

I’ve already seen people howling about the loss of Counterspell as a sign that Wizards is still hell-bent on making blue the worst color in Magic. I don’t think blue is in that bad shape. It’s just not the blue you’re used to, and that’s a good thing.

Restless: Pre-Scourge Grand Prix: Detroit Trial. *4th Place*

There were still a lot of Beasts decks there, but there were plenty of Goblins running around as well. It seemed like Astral Slide was an acceptable metagame call – and even though I did well, I should have sat this one out. This is what I played. Be warned, it indeed is a pile. I credit the performance to having really really good matchups.

What Can Wizards Learn From Yu-Gi-Oh?

At this time, Yu-Gi-Oh outsells Magic, but not quite as much as appearances would suggest. I watch Yu-Gi-Oh players of ages eight to twelve wander into the store and throw down more money than I’d care to admit. I have no idea where these tykes are getting their hands on freshly-printed, unmarked one hundred dollar bills, but as I wipe off the cocaine left over on the textured bling I am struck considering what exactly is better than Magic in this game.

Five Blasts From The Past

Ted Knutson recently sparked a pretty robust debate on the”best” writers in Magic’s brief history with his article Love’s Labour Found. One thing that struck me while reading the forum chat on this was that a lot of the newer players have not been exposed to a lot of the historical pieces upon which Flores and others base their conclusion. There is a lot of really good stuff out there that many people will never get to read… Well, maybe they will get to read a little bit.

Eye On The Metagame: German Nationals

With Scourge looming ever closer, there has been a real crimp in deck analysis for the current Standard format – and judging by my inbox, I’m not the only one wishing there were a few more articles for today’s format. Fortunately, we’ve had some significant events in the last few weeks to give us an intriguing look at how this dizzying environment continues to shape up. Amazingly, the format looks to have become even more diverse.

Understanding In A MODO Crash: The One-And-A-Half-Headed Red Review

While flavor was the primary motivation for Form of the Dragon, and while it did end up being rather flavorful, it’s also ridiculously powerful in Limited. The”non-flying creatures can’t attack you” gives you an excellent way to”not lose,” while the”five to any target each turn” provides you the complimentary way to”win.” In case this is too complex for you all, I’ve enlisted my friend Joey Bags to help round out advanced strategy like this.

Mixed Knuts: The Skinny From The Steel City

Tournament Operator Mike Guptil found another (slightly less well-known) player passed out in the elevators. Upon being awoken, that player was very drunk and very disoriented, and was asked to leave the premises (though I doubt he could find the exit without some help). In case you’re missing the point, Grand Prixs are great times – but try not to destroy the hotel and venue, and also do your best to pass out in your room or a friend’s room. This can result in compromising photos of you that get posted on the internet.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #69: Dragons!

At the risk of looking like a scrub (okay – more like a scrub), I am going to build dragon decks. This is partly because the new set is so dragon-friendly – and partly because I am getting some flak for playing too many combo decks. Even my beatdown decks generally have some”surprise, you all lose” elements. I’m trying to build something that only wins by beating down.

500+ MTG Misprints/Rarities on eBay!

Ever seen a Magic card that was misprinted or defective in some manner? Quite a unique find, no? Now… how about over FIVE-HUNDRED different ones?!?!

After collecting misprinted Magic the Gathering cards for years, I have decided to sell my collection. If you’re into this sort of thing, you won’t be disappointed. Enjoy!


Love Of The Game

Starr Kaplan told me,”It may be useful for Magic players themselves to know… What they can do to change society’s perception of the average Magic player.”
I have a better idea! Perhaps it would be more useful for members of so-called”society” to know what they could do to change the perception that the average Magic player has of them.

The Real Story Behind Scourge

Wizards totally dropped the ball on the cards, at least in terms of the storyline. The cards do not do the novel justice. The flavor texts in Legions supported the storyline to some extent, although there was also a great deal of supplementary information not covered in the novels. Even though Scourge doesn’t add anything significant to the Scourge storyline, it certainly does not support the story put forth by J. Robert King. The flavor texts are bland, boring, and weak – especially in the wake of the strong pool of ideas in the novel.

The Evolution Of Onslaught Drafting

What this article is concerned with is color combinations. If you play a two-color deck, you have ten choices of what two colors to play – some obviously better than others. This article is going to look at the history of Onslaught Block drafting format so far and discuss how each color combination has fared – and then I will look ahead and try to predict which combinations will be the best, and which should be avoided in OLS drafts.

The Cut-Off And The Long-Range

I want to focus on what I feel is the most important aspect to drafting in a three-set format: This concept is called the cut-off. While it is far from a new concept, I believe that in this format it is far more important, as it is the aspect of the draft you can most control, and it will lead to more powerful decks.

Team Rochester Drafts: Basic And Advanced Strategies

Magic players are notorious for complaining about bad luck and wishing that skill was a bigger factor in determining the winner of the game. What’s that old expression?”Be careful what you wish for”? Team Rochester Draft is the most skill-intensive format Magic has to offer. That’s great news if your team is better prepared than the opposing team, and really bad news if you’re not. There are no excuses. If you want the edge (and in this format, it can be a big one), you’re going to have to work for it – and I’ll show you how.

Rotting Bridge Is Rising Up

I was working on tweaking U/G to my satisfaction for Regionals, and Brad put together this rogue-ish deck built around the Unholy Triumvirate of Cabal Archon, Rotlung Reanimator, and Withered Wretch. I chuckled at his efforts – after all, didn’t he know about Compost? Compost destroys mono-black decks. I decided to humor him by hauling out U/G against his horribly untuned deck… And got my clock cleaned. Hmm. Maybe this deck has some potential after all.