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The JSS Money Machine Is Dead – Long Live The Pro Tour! (New Orleans Report, *60th Place*)

When I got my email from Wizards telling me that I had qualified for Pro Tour: New Orleans on rating, I had a decision to make. If I tried my hand at the Pro Tour, I’d be throwing away two more years of Free Money Championships – most people call them the JSS champs, but I prefer Free Money. I won’t lie; playing eight rounds against kids and getting $1,000 to show for it is nice, but it was getting pretty boring. Since many of my friends were also qualified, I chose to go to New Orleans and play for the glory.

You CAN Play Type I #111: Maximizing Mirrodin Part VI – Blue, Black, and Red Creatures

You have to admit that War Elemental is one of the spoiler entries that immediately catches your eye. You’re tempted to do some mental weighing. You can just attack with your first-turn creature or fire off an extra Lightning Bolt like a cumbersome Chain Lightning, then every other burn spell in your hand deals at least twice its damage. Normally, its triple-Red, three-mana cost would be enough to merit it just a passing comment, but things have changed with Chalice of the Void… So is War Elemental better and does it raise the value of the three-slot in Type I?

The StarCityGames.com Weekly Review, 11/17/2003

I can honestly say that last week was one of the strongest weeks we’ve ever had – there were five outstanding articles on Wednesday alone, and the rest of the week was almost as good. However, we put so much content up last week that you might have skipped past some great articles that should not go overlooked. This has been happening a lot – we’ve been looking at articles and going,”You know, those were great reads. Why didn’t more people look at them?” Therefore, every Monday from here on out, we’re going to look back at the week that was and single out articles that we feel deserve special mention….

Newsflash: Mirrodin Uncommon Shoulders Above All Rares!

When a card exists that a five-year-old kid could use to win a Limited tournament full of pros with, and that card isn’t even a rare, you know we’ve got problems on our hands… And this single uncommon is better than every single rare in the set. Glissa Sunseeker? Molder Slug? Oblivion Stone? Megatog? It’s no contest… And if you don’t think that this is the best card, then you’re not playing it right.

Don’t feel bad, though. A lot of people aren’t.

One Step Further: Using Synergy When Building Mirrodin Sealed

In a previous article, I discussed the basics of building Mirrodin Sealed. This time, I would like to go one step further, into the realm of those rules we need to modify to fit the Mirrodin format. I’d like to talk about using synergy to build your Sealed deck, and walk you through two sample Sealed decks to show you how you can narrow down your options quickly when you’re dealing with forty playables.

Understanding in a MODO Crash: An Affinity For Self-Hatred

When people evaluate cards for drafting Mirrodin, they often go astray because they consider the best possible scenario. Broodstar is a prime example of this phenomenon. It is not a 10/10 for two mana; it is not an automatic first pick. It is more likely a 4/4 flier for six mana, even in an artifact heavy deck. Sometimes you’ll scowl at your board of an artifact land and a Yotian Soldier as you play your splashy 2/2 flier; other times you’ll Lightning Greaves up a 14/14 and smash for the win on the sixth turn. Like the Archmage, its usefulness hinges on the number of artifacts at your disposal, so draft accordingly. If you’re Blue, you’ll probably want to snag it.

My U/W Control Experience at States

Aaron and I were entranced with the idea of our deck Sacrificial Bam!… But a week later after sweating over what cards to play, we were no closer to a winning deck. We had refined the original concept several times, unearthed tech, but our playtesting showed that, like many aggro decks, we lost to control. Honestly? Control owned us. And realizing that a lot of control was going to be played, a few days before States we both shifted into control.

Sarnia Affinity – Why It’s Better Than Yours

Through the course of this article, I’ll reveal to you what I consider to be the best Affinity build, show you how to play it, and reveal the theory behind it. It’s the Ancient Tomb and Mind Stone theory, which will be revealed to you inside. The important thing is that you learn to understand exactly why the Affinity deck is so robust, and once you do that, it will serve you in a proportionately greater fashion. You will be able to capitalize on the strengths of the deck – namely the fact that it essentially gets to play cards that aren’t even legal.


I asked my friend Tom Kelleher, who has so much confidence that we call it”Tomfidence” whether when he goes to a PTQ, he expects to Top 8. He said,”Of course, since I expect to win, I would necessarily have to Top 8 first.” And, not infrequently, he does. Three times, on the way to Maryland PTQs, Tom has stated that”since he was winning today, the rest of you must be along for the ride. Though I appreciate the company.” Twice, he won. So what effect does this ridiculous confidence have on your game, and how can you develop it?

All Things Affinity: The Definitive Build and Play Guide

No single deck’s”nuts draw” is more nuts, not even Goblins. You have the most flexible and adaptable mana base available, high powered creatures, card drawing, permission, direct damage, and blazing speed – all in the same deck. Whether you agree or disagree, I promise that after finishing this article, you will become a master of All Things Affinity.

The R/W Archetype In Mirrodin Draft

My name is Joe Gagliardi and I probably draft more than you. That’s really all I can say that is not misleading in any way about myself. I mean, sure, I had a money finish at a Team Pro Tour (Boston 2003), but I’ve really done nothing special in my years of gaming. However, I play Magic an awful lot, and I think I have a strong grasp on Mirrodin Drafting.

So what am I here to do? Hopefully after reading this, you’ll understand a bit more about the different archetypes in Mirrodin Draft, what cards are better in which archetypes, and why. Plus, I enjoy feedback and discussion, and I hope to inspire some of each. Today I’ll start with what can be a very tricky, but powerful archetype: R/W.

The Teams Of New Orleans: How Did They Prepare, And How Did They Do?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always wanted to get the behind the scenes of what happens before a Pro Tour and examine the contributing factors to both team and player success. Since I knew I was going to attend New Orleans well ahead of time, I figured I’d start chatting with various pros in the month leading up to the tournament, in order to see how their testing was progressing. I wanted to find out what decks they thought looked good (or bad) ahead of time, examine their predicted metagame, then look at what they ended up playing, and analyze what went right or wrong and contributed most strongly to their success.

The Skyhunter Cub Dilemma: Skyhunter!

Ken has bestowed upon me the honor of being the newest debater in the Dilemma series. I now have the ability to rip apart his draft pick orders in the public eye. Normally, I save this sort of thing for my friends and close companions, but I suppose the world should be granted this wonderful opportunity as well…. And I was shocked when I heard Ken’s original pick order of Leonin Den-Guard, Skyhunter Cub, and Arrest. I immediately proposed Arrest, Cub, Den-Guard if forced to choose only among those three – but I think that the Skyhunter Patrol is also better than the Den-Guard.

The Skyhunter Cub Dilemma: Den-Guard!

Mike is going to try and tell you about how great the Cub is. He is right – the Cub is fantastic, but the Guard edges it out in my mind for several reasons. If you are drafting these cards, you are hoping for the nuts Bonesplitter draw. In the nuts Bonesplitter draw Den-Guard is simply better. It is the same clock, only it gives you a 4/4 blocker while you are attacking for four. Not tapping to attack has been an underrated ability for years now. It is a form of implied card advantage, since in essence you get to use the same card twice.

Treating Yourself To A (Late) Halloween Trick With The New Masknought

After a dozen test games, I came to some preliminary conclusions which held true. Spoils of the Vault was amazing in a MaskNaught deck. Furthermore, in many ways, a budget build of this deck gets some huge benefits against certain matchups. One of the more frustrating aspects of Type 1 tournament play is that the people who own power have the best chance at winning more power and thus expanding their collection. Well, this deck gives all you budget players an excellent shot at those prizes, too.