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The Black Perspective: Working Towards Regionals

It’s been almost a year in the making folks, but Joe Black is finally here. At long last, the man who many consider the funniest Magic writer around has joined StarCityGames.com! Readers will Thrill! at Osyp’s harrowing tale of how he became”The Beefmaster.” Audiences will Chill! (and eat a donut) as Osyp recounts all the tawdry details of Mike Turian’s Bachelor Party. Magic players will Laugh! all the way to the bank as Osyp debunks popular metagame myths and recounts etiquette faux pas in other countries. This is one Featured Writer debut that simply cannot be missed!

Evolution: A Quirky Look at Tron

TwelvePost was made for a format much different from that of current Type Two – there were no Biddings, Goblins, Decrees, or even Akroma’s Vengeances. It took advantage of fast mana lands to cast game-winning spells as quickly as possible. Its principle was if you can’t out race them, overpower them. Few things are more powerful than an 11/11 indestructible trampler backed by Leonin Abunas and Platinum Angel. Currently Affinity has a tough time removing Platinum Angel and Abunas game one, as many versions only have Shrapnel Blast to remove the pair. Killing both requires them to draw two of only four cards and they still have to kill you. Limiting your opponent’s outs like that is pretty good.

Ask Ken, 03/24/2003

I also plan on attending the team sealed PTQs, and I was
wondering if you had any suggestions about the relative power level of the three decks you build. I’ve heard some suggest that it’s best to build two strong decks and one weaker deck – do you advocate this strategy, or would you recommend trying to build decks of even power?

The Wicker Man – Beating Ravager Affinity With… Affinity?

There is one matchup in which Ravager Affinity consistently has trouble. Playtesting and stacking skills notwithstanding, the mirror match is an awful prospect for whoever decides to use the deck. Although artifact destruction spells and answers to opposing Disciples of the Vault can be boarded in, these options crowd up the sideboard and necessarily dilute the effectiveness of the deck’s win conditions. For all its cleverness, casting Furnace Dragon will usually be like cutting off Chiss-Goria’s tooth to spite his face. Artifact destruction is not the answer to winning the Ravager Affinity mirror. The answer lies much closer to home.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #95: European Regionals Metagame Analysis

I’ll do a card by card breakdown for all seventeen of the Ravager decks placing in the top 2 of European Regionals, and then talk about the rest of the current metagame. Then I’ll close with the latest decklists for a playtest Gauntlet. Well, what are you waiting for?

Ask Ken, 03/23/3004

The retirement of the Good Man of the Week Award.

The Top Ten Reasons Why You SHOULD Be Writing For StarCityGames.com

This article contains a Top Ten list, a rant about Team Sealed Qualifiers and the state of Virginia Magic, and a hint about the newest StarCityGames.com Featured Writer. How can you resist?

From Right Field: Regionals Tech? I Got Your Regionals Tech Right Here!

“But, Romeo,” you say, since no one but my Momma calls me Chris,”I’m not gonna have any fun if I don’t win a few matches.” So, build a deck that has a great record against what you think the most prominent decks will be. In other words, as our Esteemed Editor wrote about in his last piece, create a metagame deck. “What’s a possible metagame deck look like,” you ask? Oh, I have theories, yes indeed…

Ask Ken, 03/19/2004

What is the pro secret to living the lifestyle, other than working another job?

Ask Ken, 03/22/2003

I have just realised that I have never played in a Team Sealed event before, and Team PTQs are coming, so what strategies do I have to employ to do well in such an event?

The Continuing Adventures of the Lynch Mob with Special Guest: Reactorsaurus Rex

Despite my hopes and wishes, Arcbound Ravager is just flooding the field. This is by no means breaking news to anyone who has played in a Type Two tournament lately. Regardless, it’s still upsetting. I don’t plan on whining about how this and that should be banned, because that accomplishes nothing. Instead, I would like to give everyone a quick update on Lynch Mob and let everyone know how the deck has evolved in light of the newest changes in the metagame. Oh, and I’d also like to fill you in on a competitive Darksteel Reactor deck. No, I’m not kidding, so click the link already…

Walk With Me, but Don’t Raredraft

The overall opinion on the format seems to be that Black is the dominating color, and Green is pretty bad unless you can get in a position where you’re one of two drafters at the table pulling for it. The pick here seems to be Spikeshot Goblin without a question, though you could make a case for the Den-Guard or Trolls if you want to fight strongly for either color.
Jerry, the pilot of this draft, explained that he wanted the Glimmervoid for a Standard Affinity deck and didn’t think the pick affected the overall result of his draft.

All Things Broken and Busted *1st*

Tim Aten’s back, and this time he’s blowin’ s*** up! Not clicking on this article would be the biggest mistake you make this month, and maybe even this year. All your friends are reading this article, so why aren’t you? Don’t be that guy! Click on the link, kick back, and watch as the master of mayhem guides you through his latest Pro Tour: Qualification, plus delivers a heaping helping of the usual randomness, slang bangin’, and music recommendations.

Nothing to Fear, the Bombs Aren’t Here

People bemoan bombs in Limited. They claim that it removes a measure of skill from the game. Well it does. I can’t deny that. In fact, I have been told by an R&D employee that the reason they make bombs is so bad players can occasionally beat good players. If the same people won each and every time, the tournament scene would die out, or so the theory goes. I think it would just encourage practice. I am not here to argue the merits and drawbacks of bombs. I am here to tell all of you bomb haters that Mirrodin is the block for you.

Inside the Metagame: Regionals 2004 – Mono-White Control

Here is the thing: I’ve saved talking about this deck for awhile, mostly because I think it is one of the more powerful choices for Regionals and I like to save the better decks (and Rogue decks) for later, if possible. The thing is that I think people are severely underestimating this deck, and I would like to bring it back into the limelight.