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Ask Ken, 07/27/2004

I feel my game has improved a lot, but I can’t seem to make it to the next level, namely to the Pro Tour, or even to a PT top 8. I know that luck is only one factor of the game, but it seems to be a factor i can’t overcome. Are Pro players actually luckier than the rest of us, or is there really something else I can do to get past it?

Rookie of the Year? A PT Seattle Report *7th*

We opened our first sealed decks and found a rather weak card pool in front of us. I actually had a good affinity deck, but JP’s deck was lacking except in the Sword of Fire and Ice department. Tim’s deck made me want to vomit, featuring hits like Big Drossodile and Neurok Hoversail. We also had two Viridian Longbows that almost got into my deck (both), but then we decided that it’d be too greedy, since I had a Trinket Mage to boot.

Blog Fanatic: New Orleans, 1994

Everyone remembers how they initially got hooked on”cardboard crack”, and today Ben shares his story of the initial hit from everyone’s favorite addiction.

Ask Ken, 07/26/2004

Today Ken details the risks and rewards of intentional drawing in the later rounds of PTQs.

The June Vintage Metagame Breakdown

The Type 1 supercomputer is back with all the summertime number crunching you can shake a stick at, including June’s WTF of the month, the Banned and Restricted Watch List, and so much more.

From Right Field: The Baseball Player’s Mentality

Overconfidence is a killer. Overconfidence tells me that I can take on that whole biker gang by myself because I just saw a Jet Li movie, or because I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Overconfidence makes you think that you’re invulnerable, that you can’t be beat. Even when you stink. You know what happens to people like that, doncha? Uh, yeah. They lose. A lot.

Listen to the Pros!

I was reading through some old Sideboard Magazines recently and found some awful advice from top Pros about playing Sealed decks. So how do I reconcile this”Pro” advice with my standard methods for playing Sealed? Should I drop all my own assertions and force myself into using their tips, regardless of the consequences? Should I ignore them completely, claiming that they’re a bunch of hacks and I could just as easily be on the Pro Tour and beating these guys out myself – if only I was as lucky as they were? Or should I do as I recommend everyone do when they scour these websites for tidbits of advice from any of the authors?

Blog Elemental — Knocking Off My Block

You may have noticed that every single card in the deck is currently from the Mirrodin block (that is, Mirrodin, Darksteel, or Fifth Dawn). This isn’t hugely surprising since the deck is based around the cog mechanic, a mechanic first seen in Fifth Dawn with most of the usable cogs either in that set or in the form of Mirrodin’s Spellbombs. However, it bugs me that no other Standard-legal cards have thus far made it into the deck. Can it really be true that nothing from Eighth Edition, Onslaught, Legions, or Scourge is worth including?

Blog Fanatic: The Legends Rule

Hey R&D! Ben has a hot new tip about how to change Magic for the better. It involves…..the Legends Rule!

Ask Ken, 07/23/2004

I understand that some times people make one sided trades in order to get certain cards that they need or especially want, but when you are dealing with kids who do not know any better, should morals come into play?

Blog Elemental – Let The Testing Begin

The previous changes I’ve made to the deck have been about focusing it on the cog theme and away from the weenie-equipment theme. The focusing stage is over. We have ourselves a relatively focused deck, and one that I’ve hopefully shown is capable of playing some incredibly wacky games. Now we move onto testing, swapping various cards in and out to see what I like best given the deck’s focus. This testing stage is where I’ll be trying out a lot of the suggestions in the Forums, discarding most of them but hopefully finding some hidden gems for the deck on my way to a stable decklist.

The Max Fischer Players at Pro Tour: Seattle *8th*

After failing to get any TOGIT teammates this year and after attempting but failing to qualify with another team, there was only one PTQ left that I could conceivably play in. I didn’t have a team or many good prospects until the Monday before the PTQ… the end result is the following:

Me: (6:53:44 PM): and when we win
Me: (6:53:47 PM): will you go to Seattle?
Chris Pikula: (6:53:49 PM): yes

The Mirrodin Block Limited Review – Fifth Dawn White and Blue

Today means we finally get into Fifth Dawn. When the set first came out, I was tasked with writing about the two colors I am writing about today. You will no doubt notice some difference in my card valuations as I have many more draft matches under my belt. I will say one thing. I am still not sure it is the best deck, but Blue/White is again one of the best decks in the format with all three sets released.

Inside the Metagame: Blue Tooth in Mirrodin Block Constructed

This week I will talk about one of the decks that is sweeping the metagame. Tooth and Nail has been one of the most popular archetypes for some time, but now it has evolved into something better. No longer is the powerhouse confined to Mono-Green… it has allied with Blue and the fifth-best counterspell ever printed (contrary to my previous claim of fourth, I forgot about Forbid). Condescend is even more powerful when you are powering it off of the plentiful mana that Cloudpost provides.

The Miser’s Guide to Savage Cheats

I am putting some of the most disgusting cheats out there for you to absorb. This is an Up, Up, Down, Down, B, A, Start quality cheat sheet. In one sense I think it might be a bad article to write because I am empowering people to cheat in a more sophisticated fashion, but I think that kind of damage is probably going to be minimal. Nothing you read in this article will transform you from an honest player into a cheater, even if it does help people who were going to cheat anyway to cheat more effectively. On the other hand, I think that a guide like this one will mostly be helpful, because if you don’t know about them, cheaters will abuse you savagely.