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Regionals Decklist Dossier: The Bad and the Ugly

Haphazard blending is pretty much a recipe for disaster, and unfortunately its how a lot of rogue and pet decks end up in the Bean Bracket. A lot of the decks that I’m going to list below resemble this remark, but first I want to talk about the tier two stuff that at least some people will be playing at Regionals tomorrow. If you’re seriously considering qualifying for Nationals, then you would do well to stay away from the following criminals.

MMD Drafter’s Guide – Red, Part I

This week we’re going to do Red, so settle in and try to enjoy yourself while we explore the wonders of playing broken spells and attacking with whatever mediocre creatures you managed to pick up seventh pick and beyond.

Inside the Metagame: What am I playing? Regionals 2004

I’ve never had this hard of a time deciding what to play for a tournament. There are so many good decks, and the format looks like it can be broken wide open since there are only two big decks – Affinity and Goblins, with the third deck TwelvePost on the rise. I have gone through many phases with this format, and I’ll detail most of them for you before revealing the deck I’ll be playing this weekend.

The Angel Gambit

What our Goodstuff deck tried to accomplish was to present several gambit type problems to a beatdown format. By using mana acceleration, and both Exalted Angel and Ravenous Baloth, plus a card like Vine Trellis, we tried to make these decks either have an answer for our greater tempo swinging beats, or to force them into an extension of resources that we could then capitalize on with Wrath or Vengeance.

Roanoke, VA – Friday Night Magic and Rejects Rare Draft Return to the Star City Game Center!

Come check out the gaming at Star City Games this weekend! We’ve revamped our Magic schedule and we’re now presenting tournaments in the shop every Friday and Sunday! This week, get some last-minute testing in for Regionals at Friday Night Magic (tournament sign ups begin at 6:00pm and the tournament begins at 6:30pm). The format is Standard.

After Regionals, wind down with the fan favorite Reject Rare Draft! Each player gets three ‘packs’ of fifteen rares each, and then decks are drafted as per the usual booster draft rules. Afterwards, the players play rounds of swiss in one of the most wacky and fun formats in all of Magic! Registration begins at 10am and the tournament begins at 11am. Thought it goes without saying, we’ll say it: You keep what you draft, so come on down and have some fun!

A full listing of in-store tournaments can be found here!

Ask Ken, 04/30/2004

1st pick 1st pack, I was presented with some dross, Goblin Charbelcher, Terror, Arrest, Leonin Skyhunter and Skyhunter Cub. What’s the right call here?

Regionals Decklist Dossier: The Good

Warning: the article you’re about to read contains lists. It contains a lot of lists. Lists of cards that go in things called “decks” to play a game called “Magic: The Gathering.” If you do not seek lists, then I advise you to look elsewhere.

Oh, Playtest Already!

Oh good lord people, there are only a few days to go. Stop just talking about it and do some playtesting! I know what you’re going to say: “I doned some playtesting, it’s all theory now and tweaking muh decklist.” Well kind sir, you’re more wrong than “prison cuddles.” if ya know what I’m sayin’.

Ask Ken, 04/29/2004

Rumor has it that today’s guest star might be funnier than Osyp. Rumor also has it that he might also be short, well-dressed, and Canadian. Guess you’ll just have to click on the link and make up your own mind.