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I Think I Broke Something…

SWK: Hey, I think I broke the format.
Knut: Oh really? What are you playing?
SWK: Well, it’s 60 different cards, so it’s tough to tell you.
Knut: Oh no – you got hooked on Singleton, didn’t you?
SWK: Yeah. All I wanted to do was make a Mind’s Desire deck because I figured it would be funny to try a combo deck with a bunch of one-of’s – I never expected it to be any good.
Knut: Ship it…

Blog Fanatic: My Favorite Three Episodes of Lost

Today’s Blog Fanatic contains three strange cases of the Bleiweiss kind. Each of these, while often unbelieveable, is completely true and it gives an indication of exactly why most members of the StarCityGames.com staff do not let Bleiweiss lead or give directions on a road trip.

StarCityGames.com Premium – Member Feedback

As promised, we’re doing our best to ensure that our Premium members are getting their money’s worth. Here’s what a few of them have had to say…

[Join StarCityGames.com Premium Today!]

The Emperor Draft Chronicles: Answering the Call to Duty

Once upon a time, I offered you a peek into a new and exciting multiplayer format: Emperor Draft. Not that long ago, I continued the tale with some discussion of drafting as the Emperor, replete with card assessments and viable draft strategies. Since then, Betrayers has made its debut, threatening to wreak havoc on the current Emperor draft strategy and make obsolete any advice I could provide. Fortunately, with a few Champions-Champions-Betrayers drafts under my belt, I have met and tamed that growling tiger – and I am now ready to continue our adventure.

Casual Happy Fun Drafts

Magic’s teenage bad boy checks with some Betrayers strategies he learned after scrubbing out of Pro Tour: Nagoya, details of a no-holds-barred Team Rochester battle between the champions of two continents, and some stories of happy, fun drafts among the pros.

*Warning* Please do not taunt happy, fun draft.

This Fire: Momentum and Inevitability

What does a Darksteel Colossus surrounded by thousands of Agent Smiths have to do with helping you win more at Magic? You’ll have to read the article to find out!

The Black Perspective: My Internet Writers Vote

Osyp is the first StarCityGames.com writer to reveal his ballot for the Internet Writers Vote. Which big men of Magic made the list and why? Find out on… The Black Perspective!

Multiplayer Combo Week: The Winner, And Next Week’s Challenge!

Last week’s Multiplayer Combo Challenge was a success, getting an astounding twelve people to share their thoughts on the greatest multiplayer blowout decks. So the question on everybody’s lips is: What’s next week’s challenge?

The Top Five Multiplayer Creatures.

Of course, as always, there’s a catch. Given the Kokusho-packed articles from last week, Kokusho may not be on your list. Remember, articles that simply give the five cards along with a one-paragraph description probably will not win; we want decks to go with the creatures, and a good idea of what sorts of players/strategies these creatures do well against. Pick your five favorites – but back it up with anecdotes, strategy, and above all, fun! The winner gets $20 in cold hard cash!

The winner of last week’s contest? Well, there were a lot of fine entries, but in the end Chris Franson won for “The Best Multiplayer Combo?” It wasn’t the most entertaining deck out there – Staff of Dominance-based decks are depressingly alike – but Chris not only did a fine job of explaining both his decks, but provided an alternate build and discussed other cards that could be used. And that’s the sort of thing we like to reward!

Speculations on the New Standard

This week michaelj puts on his fortune teller garb and peers into the future in an attempt to divine what the Standard format will look like come next Tuesday. In addition to showing you not one, but two new decks that may already have broken the upcoming Type Two season, he prognosticates on all the scenarios from the March 1st Banning announcement, and tells you just what each of them will mean to your upcoming Friday Nights, Regionals, and Nationals tournaments.

This One Goes to Nine…

As the Extended Season continues, new decks continue to poor out of the woodwork like unstoppable cockroaches, determined to make the life of metagaming PTQ players utterly impossible. Thankfully Brian David-Marshall is here to shine a light on things and this week he has a doozy of a new crop, including a Red Deck that runs Isochron Scepter, and infinite mana combo with Snap and Eternal Witness, and an Academy Rector deck good enough to win a slot on the Pro Tour. If you are playing Extended this season or even if you just love seeing cool new decks, you must read this article.

Insider Trading #2

www.digi-cardz.com is one of the world’s largest Magic Online dealers. Earlier this week, I sat down with owners Sonny and Lisa Jones to discuss some of the more common scams used by MTGO rip-off artists and how to avoid them. Protecting yourself is easier than you think, if you know what to watch out for…

Digi-Cardz.com – Every MTGO card in stock!

From Right Field: Goodbye and Good Riddance

Since I won’t know until next week what the bannings are going to look like, I’m going to go a different way this week. I’m going to address some cards from Betrayers of Kamigawa that we fun-loving players might be interested in. Please, don’t think of this as a set review. Think of it more as, um, a review of some cards in the set for uh… Constructed or something.

Playing Devil’s Advocate: What’s In, What’s Out March 1st

Dave looks ahead at what he thinks might get banned in Standard next week, laying odds on what combinations of cards might get the boot and what that will mean for those of us looking forward to playing a fresh, Ravager-free Type Two format.

Blog Fanatic: Getting in Shape

Today Ben takes on the weightest issue of them all: the health of Magic players everywhere. If you are fed up with being overweight, having too little energy, getting tired walking up stairs, having low self-esteem, or are just looking to improve the general quality of your life, The Bleiweiss is here for you.

Betrayers of Kamigawa Limited Review – Red

Usually when a new set comes out it’s pretty clear which color came out on top with all of the new goodies. This time it didn’t seem so clear at first, but after playing a bit, I think I have the answer to the question: Which color got the biggest boost from Betrayers?
My vote goes to Red, and this week I’ll tell you why.