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Magic Jerk: The Culture of Magic

As one becomes better at this game, one gains confidence in its many aspects. I like to think of how far my understanding has come, how theory that once would dizzy my mind with its talk of curves and timings now seems rudimentary. Where once I hoped to bring others into the discussion, to find a way to translate the works of Zvi and EDT into readable chunks, now I feel I am expected to impart my own understanding. Certainly to look at how far I’ve come you could assume that I had gained knowledge useful to the entire community, if I was but willing to share it. But aye, there’s the rub, how to talk about Fight Club with that pesky first rule floating around.

Mono-Red in the New Standard

Ah, springtime, when young men’s fancies turn to the games of spring, wooing of young maidens, and, of course, Standard. And what a Standard! The death of Affinity has opened up the doors for numerous decks to claim the top spot. You’ve got the obvious culprits, like Tooth and Nail and B/G Cloud; decks that were good even before Affinity’s demise. And other decks that might be viable to fight these new Kings of the Metagame. Like this one.

So This is the Metagame

There has been a lot of talk recently about White Weenie, but you haven’t lived until you’ve seen Flores tackle the little beast. Today Mike pits both a slow and a fast version of White Weenie up against the staple decks from Paris Regionals to see how they fare. Is Umezawa’s Jitte all it’s cracked up to be? Is an equipment toolbox supplemented by Steelshaper’s Gift the way to go? Is Hokori, Dust Drinker any good? The master knows…

Draft Archetypes in Betrayers Limited

In this article, Nick covers all of the best archetypes in Betrayers Limited, detailing the cards that make the decks tick and then pointing out some over and underrated cards in each archetype that you might not be playing right now.

Here Comes Da Magistrate: Part 2

The views and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the editorial staff and management of this website. As such, StarCityGames.com would like to begin by apologizing to any judges offended by the following article. You guys are swell. Honest. Blame Noah.

The (Very Early) U.S. Regionals Metagame

At this point, U.S. Regionals is about two months away. It is not too early to start looking at the format, or to start playtesting. We do know something about the format, because the French Regionals are ongoing – but there is a lot more that we do not know. Regardless, it’s time to start exploring archetypes that will likely see play in June and figure out what’s winning.

Sealed Revealed II: Card Pool Six

Craig wraps up the Betrayers of Kamigawa installment of Sealed Revealed with a card pool that most people would probably screw up should they open it at a PTQ. What would you do with this pile of spells and where did Craig go wrong? Inquiring minds want to know…

Rehearsing the Doomsday Scenario: Learning How to Build Optimal Doomsday Piles

Since its introduction at the last StarCityGames Chicago Power 9, Doomsday has remained one of the more interesting combo decks in Vintage. With another Chicago Power 9 only a week away, Stephen Menendian revisits the decklist with an updated version and a veritable godbook on how to combo out of practically any situation. This is an article Vintage players simply cannot afford to miss.

Weak Among the Strong: Oops, I win!

Today I’m going to discuss building the “Oops, I win” factor into Constructed decks, giving you the tools to turn seemingly harmless or suboptimal cards into situations that your opponent’s simply cannot beat.

The Concept of Cosmic Larva: With Continual Reference to Sargent

Today’s Grydehoj article is a meaty stew filled to the brim with Abe Sargent beats and ideas about how to maximize Cosmic Larva in Standard. No, we’re not kidding about either part of that sentence. Adam might be though. Maybe.

Drafting White/Black in CCB

Anton Jonsson is widely considered to be one of the best drafters in the world, so when he writes about Limited, you best take notice. Today Anton provides a masterclass in how to draft what he considers to be the best archetype in CCB Limited, complete with the theory behind why this archetype works. Draft noobie or wisened veteran of the Pro Tour, this article has something for players at every level.

SCG Daily – Here Comes da Magistrate: Part 1

So, turn 1 kills in Standard and recipes for Pecan Pie. Let’s try this one…

Spinning the Wheels — A Reflection on Optimizing Intuition Slaver

So, why in the world am I – the biggest proponent of running Control Slaver sans the Intuition/Accumulated Knowledge draw engine – writing an article about using Intuition in the deck? A little while ago, while discussing the merits of the Intuition/AK engine with some members of Meandeck, I told them that I would test Intuition in Control Slaver. Therefore, this article is a result of my effort to see just how good I could get Control Slaver to be, while also including three copies of Intuition.

Foundations of Kamigawa Block (Part 2 of 2)

Zvi wraps up his survey of Kamigawa Block Constructed with thoughts on what Red and Green bring to the table as well as providing an astounding ten potential decklists for Pro Tour: Philadelphia and the Block Queues on Magic Online.

Setting the Stage for Standard – The Rock’s Last Hurrah and a Foray into Standard

What is it with good players getting corrupted be the lure of White Weenie in Standard lately? Even the normally reliable Rick Rust gets in on the act today, proposing an aggressive Weenie build that eschews the Jitte. Can this deck possibly be good?