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Timmy, Johnny, and Spike Meet Wakefield, Flores, and Zvi

In the past few articles, we’ve looked over a lot of potential growth decks, and pored over very dry statistics about pre-Saviors Standard. The summation of all of this is to hope to learn how to play post-Saviors Standard, by means of analyzing the situation at hand and learning the rules of deckbuilding that are forced by the cards in the format. The most powerful cards in the format dictate how you play it, and the strongest sets of synergy rise to the top and form the decks we play. Today we’re going to look at your options for tweaking the best decks and turning them into unstoppable killing machines.

First Impressions of Saviors in Kamigawa Block Limited: Green and Artifacts

Sam wraps up his Saviors of Kamigawa first impressions by discussing what may be the most powerful color in the block: Green.

Lessons Learned From Umezawa’s Jitte

This article has some discussion about a little bit of everything, but the fact that it is another excellent article from Richard Feldman should be more than enough to get all of you to read it.

SCG Daily: Winning Isn’t Everything…

Dave takes ya’ll back to the concrete streets, original beats with real live MCs, back to the days when getting sanctioning for your tournament required mafia connections and Wizards sanctioning meant single elimination…

Rant Week

Jamie has some things he wants to get off his chest this week about certain Standard artifacts, Magic R&D, and Hal Jordan.

Rats Live On No Evil Star

That’s right folkses, Rats is the hawt new faunky thing that everyone wants to get a piece of. As I mentioned last week, Tim Aten got the deck from Cedric Phillips after he tore up part of the Last Chance Qualifier field at Pro Tour: Philadelphia. Aten then blazed up the Invitational with a Rats deck, and the message boards, forums and mailing lists across the internet lit up with people all saying “OMG, cool!” However, if you in turn wish to play the deck next weekend at Regionals, you’re gonna have to do better than just taking the deck from Aten and Phillips and running it out of the box like you did when you finally got Party of Five: Season 3 on DVD. That’s where I come in…

SCG Daily: Trippin’ Down Memory Lane

It was brought to my attention recently that I’ve been playing this silly little card game for almost ten years now. Ten years! Most marriages don’t last that long. Not to mention that I’ve entered my sixth year of writing for the illustrious Star City Games. That’s long enough to see most players/writers leave the game…and come back. Just when you think you’re out… it keeps pulling you back in!

From Right Field: What I Played at 2005 Regionals, Part II

Last week, I started to answer the question: What Will Dr. Romeo Be Playing at Regionals? Today we continue seeking an answer to that questions, pushing White Skies where no man has ever gone before… or something.

The Top 15 Incredibly Awesome Saviors of Kamigawa Combos Plus Truly Impossible Magic Trivia!

Ben Bleiweiss brings you fifteen very special combos fresh from the Saviors of Kamigawa set! Any one of these card combinations will astound and amaze even your closest of friends, so try not to bust out all fifteen at once! Once you’re done wrapping your head around these Bleiweiss specials, try your hand at Ben’s Magic trivia? Think you know your obscure Magic knowledge? Ben is willing to bet that you can’t answer even one of his ten Impossible Magic Trivia questions correctly!

Hypno-Sand Babe: Stumbling Through You Make the Card 3

Hello everyone! If you’re like me, you were happy to see the next stage of You Make The Card 3 pop up on magicthegathering.com Wednesday. If you’re also like me, you’re feeling a bit disappointed this time around. Follow me as I analyze the proposed mechanics and search for the golden needle in this fetid haystack.

SCG Daily: A Rogue’s Tale, Part V

For my last day, I’m going to be a bit more lighthearted. I’m going to respond to some forum comments and e-mails that the first three or four days generated, and I’ll tell some actual game-play stories. Some are funny. Some are sad. Some are brilliant. Some are head-scratchers. All are true, even if I get the details a bit munched up. In the end, there’ll be a bonus, too!

The Top 5 Things You Absolutely Must Know About 2005 Regionals

Kanoot delivers his 2005 Regionals Preview, complete with the usual snarky commentary, cheesecake, and predicted metagame percentages. As if that weren’t enough, there’s also discussion of the Hall of Fame ballot and a request for advice on who deserves the fifth slot on the list, The Kitchen Sink, Quotable Quotes, and Yawgatog highlights from the entire month of March. It’s not just an article, it’s an extravaganza!

Getting Super Pumped for Rochester

This is a super special version of the normal Power 9 Preview article, because we have an added element to accommodate for: the presence of the SCG Shooting Stars! This may seem like one of the most daunting tournaments in a very long time thanks to that presence, but you should treat it no differently than you treat your average high profile tournament. There will still be a dense concentration of people you can beat if you play properly, and that includes the guys wearing the t-shirts. The biggest weapon you can have against these competitors is familiarity with the format, so let’s get down to brass tacks.

Sideboards I Like

Hot on the heels of Terry Soh’s Troll and Nail sideboard revolution, michaelj goes into some detail about those extra fifteen cards you get to play with in up to 66% of your games. What’s the difference between a sideboard Flores likes and one that gets the boot? The answers are inside.

Scoping Out Vintage – A Focus on the Things That Matter

More than just a discussion about Zvi’s forays into Vintage ahead of this weekend’s Star City Power Nine tournament, it also includes rules to follow for Vintage deck design, Zvi’s list of Control Slaver, Hall of Fame discussion and more!