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Big Snips in London, Part 2

The controversial Mr. Szleifer returns with the conclusion of his London report, which includes more than a little discussion of bad beats, getting smashed by Nicolai Herzog, and a hint of self-reflection. Love him or hate him, this sixteen-year-old Pro Tour winner certainly gets a reaction out of his readers.

The Philosophy of the Mulligan

Are you losing games because you keep bad hands? Are you unsure what makes the difference between a good hand and a bad hand? Are you the type of player that knows what hands to keep when playing a Constructed deck but are clueless in Limited or vice versa? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then Terry Soh is here to help you and hopefully add a few more wins to your tournament experiences.

Grand Prix: Minnesota *14th Place*, Part 2

7AM rolls around and I am up and at’em! Man o man, do I feel like crap. 5 hours? Am I retarded? But we persevere. Jump in the shower, go down to the little hotel café to grab a coffee and a doughnut thing; We’re on the main floor at 7:45. Let’s do this thing!
Whoops, I was misinformed. Things start at 9, not 8. @$@#%. %#$@

SCG Daily – The Business of Designing Your Own Games

This week I’ll be talking about life as a game designer/publisher. Today and tomorrow I’m going to talk about game design. Instead of talking about design philosophy or some other subject best left to people like Mark Rosewater, I’m going to talk about the business side of game design. What do you want, I’m a Harvard MBA!

Blessed: Pro Tour London 2005 *6th*

The story of how one of the funniest men in Magic started 0-2 and clawed his way all the way back to his third Pro Tour Top 8 appearance. This article is an absolute treat to all readers, whether you are a long-time Walamies fan or just discovering the Finnish master for the first time.

Grand Prix: Minnesota 14th Place, Part 1

Bearl! I know it’s been a Bearl since I Bearled at you, but I’ve been pretty Bearl. I just got my Bearl and have been doing non-Bearl things in my spare Bearl. But since there was a Bearl in MN this previous weekend, I had to Bearl. It went pretty Bearl, and here’s the Bearl. Bearl!

Ahem. That’s what happens when you spend a week in Minnesota.

SCG Daily — Hey-ho, Let’s Godo!

It’s kind of odd, but the best use of Godo that I’ve seen since the start of writing this series had the namesake legend hidden in the sideboard. I’m speaking, of course, of the “Godo Gifts” deck piloted by Katsuhiro Mori to a first-place finish at Grand Prix: Niigata.

Parliament of Beatdown

It’s Friday! Another awesome Flores article. How surprising! This time it’s on maximizing your plays and options when you are the beatdown or the control. In other words, it’s yet another Mike Flores article that will go a long way toward making you a much better Magic player, whether you are a newbie or just made the Top 8 at a Pro Tour.

PTQing in Beautiful Montreal

The King of Fatties is off to Montreal, Quebec to PTQ with his friends. Did he manage to qualify this time, or is it yet another chapter in the Wakefield string of brilliant disasters? Whatever it is, you know the article will be amusing and enlightening, so come along for the ride!

SCG Daily – Godo Gadget Arms!

On Tuesday or Wednesday last week, I realized that I had a problem. I had started my Godo-related Daily, and I had some decks from earlier this month, but those decks were in serious danger of being made obsolete by the results of Grand Prix: Minneapolis. Godo is a pretty powerful card, but he has a lot of trouble defeating infinite Kagemaro. Like a lot of Western deckbuilders these days, I needed the Japanese to step in and give me some inspiration. Two separate decklists bearing Godo made the Top 8 of Grand Prix: Niigata last weekend, and I thought that both were not only competitive, but get a ton of fun out of running Godo.

Graverobbed at Rockville: A Legendary Foray into Kamigawa Block

Just how good do you have to be to qualify at a PTQ? How many horrendous mistakes can you make and still break into the Top 8? Do you have to know the format inside out?
According to my recent PTQ endeavor, the answers are: not very, a ludicrous amount, and barely at all. This is the story of Bad Player Rust at his best, or worst, battling down to the wire for that PTQ slot, and playing Kamigawa block for the first time.

Ninth Edition: Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Part 2 – Red, Green, Artifacts, and Lands

In addition to covering the topics mentioned in the title, Zvi also gives you an overview of draft archetypes in 9th Edition Limited, valuable information if you plan to play in this weekend’s 9th Edition Release events.

The Road To Los Angeles, Week 2: Switching Decks

Last week I took Tsuyoshi Fujita’s deck to a PTQ with practically no preparation, and posted a lackluster 3-2-1 finish. The main thing I took away from the tournament was a newfound respect for Manriki-Gusari in the war for Jitte advantage. Simply put, it is almost impossible for slow decks without Manriki-Gusari to obtain Jitte advantage over fast decks that have it. This caused me to abandon Fujita’s deck and the deck I ended up playing this time around was a bit goofy, but turned out to be highly effective.

Ninth Edition: Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Part 1

The one, the only, the Zvi Mowshowitz produces what may be his last set review ever before he disappears behind the ivory walls at Wizard of the Coast. Want to know what the master thinks about 9th Edition cards in both Limited and Constructed? We’ve got it all here, and only on StarCityGames.com.

Big Snips in London, Day 1

Me, I’m an honest guy. Last time I regaled you with stories about winning a Pro Tour. Sadly, you don’t always win. That’s why this time I’m here to tell you about losing matches. Lots of them. Seven. In the same tournament, actually. That’s right, folks, this one is all about my miserable spiraling downfall from first to eightieth in just one Pro Tour.