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Boy, Is This Random

This week, Wakefield hooks his brain up to a random number generator and ends up producing some of his finest work yet.

The Deck That Never Was

A little less than a month ago I built what I figured would be the Ultimate Deck ™ for U.S. Nationals. Sadly the French ruined my plan, but if things had gone differently this is the deck that I would haven given people to play at U.S. Nationals today.

Ben’s Corner: The Buylist is Back, Baby!

Is it true? Yes it is! Due to demand, we’ve put our buylist back online. If you’ve been waiting to sell or trade us cards, read on!

Also inside: Find out about the two newest positions open on the StarCityGames.com staff, see just how many Unhinged lands and foils were added to inventory this week, take a look at the newest Ravnica information, and check out the hottest cards in Magic.

In the Time of Chimpanzees, I played like a Monkey: Losing at English Nationals

It was the aftermath of PT: London. I’d placed an uninspiring 3-3 record, mirroring my performance in my previous two tours. I stood, pint in hand, as my Magic-naive brother barraged Teddy Cardgame with questions. "Ted," he asked, slurring slightly, "Is Craig any good at Magic?"

Ted paused, a little too long. "He could be," came the reply.

Type 4: A Way To Enjoy Magic Again Part III

As of this writing, my stack is a little over 330 cards with my target amount being three hundred fifty. The question remains, how do you build a stack of cards of that size and avoid using absolute crap?

SCG Daily – Penguin Overlords and The Bandwagon Effect

Hello again and welcome to the final daily for the week! This has (surprisingly) been a very fun set of articles to do, while at the same time, getting my sense of urgency alive and kicking again. For this daily we’ll start with something a bit light-hearted: Penguins.

A Look at English Nationals and the BEST Deck in Standard

Quentin Martin was the primary deck designer of the deck that Sam Gomersall used to win a spot on the Englilsh National team last weekend. What deck is it, why does Quentin feel it is the best deck in Standard by far, and why didn’t “Q” himself make the English National team? The explanation is only a click away.

Getting Big: Two Underappreciated Standard Decks

It is difficult to properly introduce Thomas Rosholm except to say that he is a long-time Pro Tour veteran, was one of the founders of the legendary Team Punisher, and his thug-nasty writing tends to rock your socks off. If that’s not enough to entice you, maybe the fact that he’s writing about two underappreciated decks for the Standard environment will pique your interest.

Magical Hack: Ninth Edition and Standard

The changeover from Eighth Edition Standard to Ninth Edition Standard may not have an effect on the upcoming U.S. National Championships, but it is promising to make some waves for the World Championships. What has gone missing is every bit as important as what has come back, but I’m happy to see an impending massive change to the cards that make Standard work the way it does, and not so very sad to see some of the things lost along the way disappearing, such as Plow Under.

SCG Daily – Everybody Still Loves A List!

Continuing from where we left off from yesterday, we’ll now explore the final cards on my list on Vintage cards that create the most one-sided games.

SCG Daily — Everybody Loves A List

Back on Monday, I mentioned that I had a personal list of cards that caused one-sided routs to occur. A guessing game then ensued for the two unrestricted cards on my list. Only one person managed to guess both cards (Mana Drain and Chalice of the Void), though many got one correct and other named cards were just below the top 10 on my list. As a result, I felt I should give the top 15 cards of my list with some reasoning behind each choice.

Type 4: A Way To Enjoy Magic Again Part II

Today Carl continues his introduction to Type 4 by covering removal spells, creatures, bombs, and general stack composition as well as giving some guidance on Type 4 draft archetypes.

Crazy Red Mage Storms English Nationals

I’ve always loved the National Championships. My favorite of all was six years ago, when I finished second with the first version of Red Deck Wins. That tournament qualified me for the World Championships in Yokohama, which was simply great in spite of the fact that I ended up losing more than I won, and the report I wrote afterwards got chosen by Mike Flores as the first Editor’s Choice on the Magic Dojo. I never thought, particularly recently, that I’d play in another Nationals which could match that.

The Road To Los Angeles, Week 4: Last Week’s Tech and Rob.dec

I’m going to skip out on the tournament report this week, because the tournament was…well, a disaster. I had bad

draws, played some of the worst Magic I’ve played in years, and thoroughly deserved to go home early. That’s fine by

me, because I’ve been looking for a break in the action for awhile now to talk about a few things.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #129: Got Rares?

The Kamigawa Block Constructed PTQs are in progress. We have several weeks worth of PTQ results, plus the results of two Grand Prix, and the format is shaking out. I’ve noticed that the decks seem – at least to me – to be really heavy in chaser rares. That could be a real effect, or could be because I am trying to get the cards online. Time for some research – Are this year’s Block Constructed decks more expensive to build than in years past?