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Thoughts on Legacy – Flame Vault

Do you know what the hottest new combo deck for post-Ravnica Legacy looks like? Josh Silvestri does and he’s playing both Eve and Gwen Stefani today as he attempts to blow your mind.

When Life Hands You Bad Cards, Make Good Decks

Once again, Abe plays by the harsh rules he’s created for himself: a deck of bad rares sits next to his desk. He pulls out a card at random. Whatever he pulls, he has to build a deck around it. So what terrible, terrible cards has Abe drawn this time?

Jushi Blue

Terry missed out on the Top 8 at Malaysian Nationals, but his teammates finished first and second at the event. In today’s article, he takes an in-depth look at Jushi Blue, one of the best decks in Standard and one that you can expect to continue to see until Mirrodin Block rotates out of the format.

Magic Online’s 9th Release Championship: 1st Place! (Probably)

Noah goes for the gold today with his article about the 9th Edition Championships on Magic Online. Part tournament report, part Limited format expose, part cathartic rant about an event that never finished, this article covers all the over and underrated cards in 9th Edition Limited.

SCG Daily – Blue Mana for Beginners Part 2

Welcome back, everybody. Today we’re going to go over two of the hottest cards in Vintage right now and likely for a long time to come.

Boros Deck Wins

I’ve been wary of doing set reviews ever since I called Lightning Rift “junk” back when looking at Onslaught. So this is most emphatically not a review of the new Red cards. Instead it is a quick primer of what options will be available in Standard, more of a brainstorming of decklists with glorious Red cards in it than anything else. What is a Red mage to do when besieged with the urge to *gulp* splash other colors into your beautiful creation? Here are four new Ravnica Standard decklists to help answer those questions.

A Trio of Tournament Reports

Rogier returns from trekking around the world and then back to The Netherlands, all for the sake of Magic and Hilary Duff. How did he and his Dutch teammates prepare for the summer Grand Prix schedule and what do they have to show for it? The answers are inside.

Play Like A Pirate Day!

In honor of National Talk Like a Pirate day, Nationals competitor and scurvy dog Dave Meddish displays his fun side with a few theme decks for all the unabashed rogues among you.

SCG Daily – Blue Mana for Beginners

Hello again lads and lasses. As you may have guessed, this is my week for Star City Daily. Today I’d like to cover some ground that should be pretty much common knowledge for the real competitors in Vintage already, but may just be something you’ve never actively thought about: the how, when, where, and why of drawing cards. Okay, this is a Ben Kowal daily… maybe we’ll just cover two of those to start.

Ben’s Corner: The 9th Edition Sales Report!

In today’s Ben’s Corner, Ben reveals the top selling 9th Edition cards culled from the StarCityGames.com sales database!

Also this week: Which creature is poised to become the marquee creature in Standard? How can you get Ravnica singles at the lowest prices? Why will Ben’s Corner be a premium article next week? The answers to all this and more is only a click away!

The Wages of Sin

It takes a wise man to tackle a Magician’s wages of sin with grace, but it takes a Brit to make it truly funny. Stevenson proves himself both British and wise in this article that will make you smarter, better at Magic, and perhaps spew milk out of your nose once or twice.

Dutch Nationals Report *2nd*

One of the members of the Dutch National team tells the exciting tale of events from his 2005 National Championships. How exactly did he go from a 3-3 record after round 6 directly to the finals? Details are inside.

SCG Daily – A Deck a Day: Shirei and the Clerics

In the forum for Monday’s article, a suggestion was made for one of my articles. A reader wanted a Magic: The Electronic exclusive. What an excellent suggestion! I have taken it upon myself to build a fun, yet recent, deck that can be played in casual rooms everywhere. (Well, just the one casual room, but you can access it from anywhere.)

Rules of the Red

In case you were previously unaware of it, there are rules to building successful Red decks. With a new Standard season nearly upon us, the esteemed Mr. Paskins has taken it upon himself to enlighten the ignorant and bring joy to fiery mages and goblin cohorts everywhere.

Jeff Cunningham’s “Untold Legends of the Million Dollar Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour”

Jeff Cunningham is a simple man. When not slinging spells with the best players in the world and tutoring young Canadians in the Ways of the Mage, Jeff herds yaks and water buffalo on his ranch in the Great White North. In spite of these humble roots, Cunningham is one of the finest Magic writers alive and today he makes his debut on StarCityGames.com, delivering tales and spinning yarns designed to bring a smile to your face and a tear to your eye.