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The Magic Jerk: Drafting U/R in Ravnica

The Magic Jerk returns and does jerky things like drafting and stuff.


Sup? No, really… Sup?

SCG Daily – A ROFL Walkthrough

On no he didn’t! Oh yes he did! Damn girlfriend, that’s cold. Funny… but cold.

2005 Championship Deck Challenge: White Blood Cells

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
This deck is not some amazing creation that came to me in a dream. You aren’t going to look at it and exclaim, “Oh my God, that’s the most clever thing I’ve ever seen.” What it is, is rather simple and most good players have had this deck in their testing gauntlet for at least a week or two. What it is, my brethren, is a relentless beating machine that has been really difficult to deal with in testing. What it is, my people, is a strong version of what is likely to be the most popular deck archetype you will see at this year’s Championships.

2005 Championship Deck Challenge: Doctor Mox and the Evil of Control

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
The right admirable Dr. Mox tackles this week’s 2005 Championship Deck Challenge assignment with his customary gusto, producing a solid control deck in spite of the fact that he is the most diabolical hater of control archetypes this side of the Mississippi.

Ravnica First Impressions: Drafting the Boros Guild

Cak foregoes his Gopher homecoming to gather more info on Ravnica’s fasted Limited guild: The Boros.

The $400 Solution Part II: Angel Stax Matchup Analysis

In my previous article on this deck, I explained the maindeck choices and gave some general sideboard options. I focused on the strategy of the deck and the explanation of why particular cards were included, or excluded. However, I did not spend much time talking about sideboarding, but instead gave some possible options and a general sideboard. In this article, I am going to talk about the sideboard. I will discuss how to construct it and how to use it against specific decks. I omitted discussion of two particularly relevant cards in the last article, and I will discuss their usefulness here. However, in order to explain all of this, I will need to explain more about how to play this deck properly.

SCG Daily – Exploring Could-Havnica

We’re used to hard workers here at Star City, but Yawgatog is officially insane. Check out his latest parody of the big boys today where he takes on new MTG.com superstar “Pat Robotta”.

Millstone Control in Ravnica Limited

I know I promised in my last article that I was going to do a draft guide for the R/W Boros archetype in Ravnica Limited this week, but I simply didn’t get to draft the deck enough yet to know all of the inner workings. While doing my usual weekly barrage of drafts though, I did come upon another archetype that has turned out to be much better than I’d ever expected from just looking at the spoiler. That archetype is the Dimir Guild’s Mill deck.

SCG Daily – Passing the West Wind

Yesterday’s article by Hark Blowswater was one of the most widely read Humor articles ever featured here on Star City. Can today’s installment of Yawg’s Daily top even that?

2005 Championship Deck Challenge – Captain of the Leaky Armada: The Glare and Its Players

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
In years past, Jim Ferraiolo has produced decks on the cutting edge of Standard technology, earning numerous players Top 8 berths at States, Regionals, and Nationals alike. This year he’s participating in Control week and serves up a new flavor of Opposition-esque goodness for your consideration.

You CAN Play Type I #152: Ravnica as a Requiem

Oscar the Lawyer produces what may be his final set review ever, and has lots to say about the goodies that Ravnica may or may not have provided the Vintage community.

2005 Championship Deck Challenge: Thugged Out Gifts

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
Ted asked us if anyone would like to cover Constructed articles for States. He needed someone to do a deck in each of the viable archetypes, requesting for a group of someones to brave control. Recently the thought had occurred to me that far too many people have no idea exactly what it is they should do when they cast a Gifts Ungiven. They just do what they read people often go for, or they screw up really bad. It’s normally the latter on the PTQ scene, so today we’re going to cover Gifts decks for States and teach you how to cast that silly spell.

Don’t Call It A Comeback

How do you take 60 pages of text and summarize it in one pithy blurb?


Parental Guidance is suggested.

From Right Field: Midterms

Last week, I threw a trio of deck outlines (they had been tested but not rigorously so) at you as jumping off points for the class to refine their decks. We’re going to do the same thing this week, but first I thought that I’d answer the excellent questions that some of your classmates came up with.