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Livin’ The Dream: My Pro Tour: Los Angeles Report, Part 2

I’ve got to finish this report. I’m writing for posterity, so here we go — time to quit sitting on my big fat… laurels. Time to explain my perspective on a fairly interesting Top 8 Sunday. Time to own up to what’s mine.

[Click Here To Read Part One]

SCG Daily – Giving Thanks

As thanks for you reading all week, Jim produces two Boros creature loads for Extended that are a bit off the beaten path. Check it out.

SCG Daily – Style and the Magic: The Gathering Genome

As promised, here are the seven traits which I feel dictate one’s individual style as a spell slinger. No one attribute is solely definitive, as I feel every player displays at least two or three, and in varying degrees.

A Day of Thanks

Teddy Card Game takes a break from strategy today in order to thank unsung heroes from around the game.

Going Infinite – Grand Prix: Philadelphia *15th Place*

Originally I was planning on skipping Grand Prix: Philly and instead spending time working on the Extended format for Grand Prix: Charlotte in December. This all changed when I realized I’d be qualified for Pro Tour: Honolulu on rating. “No Constructed Magic until February?” I thought to myself. Just then I came to the realization that Grand Prix: Philadelphia was technically not a Constructed tournament, but it affected Eternal ratings. Immediately I started making phone calls, checking class syllibi and by the end of the week, my flight was booked. Now then… What the hell is good in Legacy?

Off the Beaten Path — The Other Decks at PT: LA and Elsewhere

Everyone knows the Top 8 decks from PT LA: Ruel’s Two Color Tog, SWK’s Heartbeat deck, Fujita’s Boros build, Moreno’s Madness Tog and so forth. I want to look beyond the Top 8 – and beyond PT LA – to see what other decks are being played. I’ll even throw in some metagame info from the recent GPs.

SCG Daily – Styles Upon Styles Upon Styles

There’s an old boxing adage that says “Styles make fights,” but what about in Magic?

High-Value Casual Cards

When you’re trading, you don’t want to get ripped off because you didn’t know that Phage the Untouchable still has a really high market value due to massive casual interest. This article will look at some old cards that have kept their value over time, and list some recent cards that have high values as well. These cards are especially important, because tournament-level players consistently undervalue them while casual players highly covet them.

Go Figure – Pro Tour: LA *Top 8*

One week Ervin Tormos was just some PTQ kid Tim Aten introduced me to at a Grand Prix. Then, attending his first Pro Tour ever, he was suddenly a Top 8 contender. This is the unlikely story of how that came about, including the inside skinny on how Ervin sideboarded PT Jank against the field.

Building a Legacy – GP: Philadelphia *Top 8*

I’m going to start this article the only way I can to keep it interesting – most of you have probably heard of me, not for what I’ve accomplished, but rather for what I’ve disrupted. At PTNO of 2003, team Your Move Games had an awesome Goblins deck that comboed off with a little-known enchantment from Mercadian Masques called Food Chain. It could kill on turn 2 and absolutely blindside whoever was expecting a more normal Goblins deck… if it wasn’t for the fact that everyone at the tournament already knew about it. That was because of me.

Hi, I’m Ben. Nice to meet you.

SCG Daily – For the Greater Good of All Men

I’ve developed a fascination for Greater Good combo decks in the last couple of days, even going as far as to shell out beaucoup tickets on Magic Online to get the sucker built. I hope the mad cash I’ll rake in from this week’s stint on the Daily will more than compensate for that outlay…

Beating Psychatog – B/G Aggro in Extended

Today I will try to introduce you the deck I played in at PT: LA and GP: Copenhagen, posting satisfying results both times (respectively 14th and 15th), while unfortunately missing the Top 8. I will try to explain the choices I made for the deck, why I played it, the matchups and what I would change. I’ll even go through the two events I played with the deck and give you a little analysis of the deck in action and explain why I think B/G Aggro is an excellent choice for the current Extended metagame.

The Beautiful Struggle: A Dissenting View on U/G Combo

Some people even went so far as to say that Mind’s Desire is an “awful” card, and that Chris battled to the Top 8 on the back of pure playskill and experience with the deck. Having seen Chris play at States the week before the Pro Tour, I can vouch for the playskill part. However, after playing some games with the Ideas Unbound version, I began to agree with the anti-Desire people too.

From Right Field: Boros! Boros! Boros!

Romeo embarks on his adventure to turn the Boros precon deck into a lean, mean, winning machine. Can a few minor card substitutions create a bona fide winning deck? The answer might just surprise you.

SCG Daily – House Dimir: Aggro or Control?

So, I have to come up with five short articles that have to be between eight hundred and one thousand words in length. I can feel free to let the funk flow at any point too, but there has to be at least some Magic related content in each installment? Well then. Since I usually write about decks for Standard, it makes sense that I’d lead off The Daily with my latest pet deck. I played it at States and went 6-2, narrowly missing the cut.