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SCG Daily – The Other Pro Tour

Wizards of the Coast has been making a push to make the Pro Tour more appealing to the average player. They’ve replaced monetary awards with travel vouchers, booked several Pro Tours in highly desirable travel locations (the Louvre, Prague, Hawaii), and began the Magic Hall of Fame. These innovations have been coupled with popular changes to the Pro Tour itself, but have these tactics worked to pull the non-Pro player into the world of the pro? Not as much as Wizards would have liked. Today, Ben unveils a modification to the Pro Tour designed to have huge appeal to Magic audiences around the world, not just the hyper-competitive PTQ players.

The Mill by the Dross: Drafting U/B Control in Ravnica

I keep having success drafting Blue/Black decks online. I guess milling is not sexy enough compared to hasty fliers, Saproling generators or graveyard recursion. Anyway, here’s a draft article for the masses, for those of you keeping your winter nights warm with the magic of Ravnica draft.

From Right Field: Billy’s Turn

Chris is on Christmas vacation, but luckily little Billy Horowitz is here to tell you about his “Ewww, Groz” deck.

SCG Daily – The Truth About Rarity

Some of you have been searching for the definitive answer to the question: Are there some rares that are more rare than other rares?

The answer is… no and yes.

Let me explain.

Recent Vintage Tech

Looking for a cutting edge deck to play? In this article I canvass the Vintage tournament scene and present four decks that I think represent the best Vintage tech from the last month or so. Whether you are a Vintage newbie or an expert, you should take a peek.

The Weekly Guild Build: Beating The Mana Gods

One of the things about being a Christian Magic player is that the instructions are right in the Bible: You shall have no other gods besides Me. But it’s hard to remember that when the Mana Gods are crapping on your forehead.

Deck Fundamentals: Three-and-a-Half Models for Sideboarding

A complete decklist for the rogue deck Flores played in the last Extended PTQ of the season? Check. Detailed discussion as to how the sideboard for that deck was built and why? Check. Detailed discussion on how you should build sideboards for all future decks you build yourself and the thought process behind it? Check indeed. If you play Constructed Magic, this article is practically guaranteed to make you better.

SCG Daily – The Review of the Year in Preview

Ben put forth his predictions for ten trends and events in Magic for the year 2005. Now that we’ve reached the end of the year, how accurate was he? In today’s article, Ben breaks down where he was right, where he was wrong, and throws out a few predictions for 2006.

Sealed Revealed 3: Card Pool Three

Extended season is now over and that means Ravnica Sealed season has arrived! Luckily Craig Stevenson is here for you, with a fresh card pool, Christmas carols, and more bad poetry than you can shake a stick at.

SCG Daily – The Kid’s Perspective: Drafting the Rock

For my last column of the daily series, I didn’t have a subject yet as I hoped something would pop up to me while I was busy doing the others. It didn’t, so I settled for another Limited article, this time about the Golgari guild.

Peace of Mind: A Christmas Story

Holiday fiction, but only because it’s Christmas.

A Short Retort re: Mirage Blue

Ah, maligned Mirage Blue. No one likes you. Well, no one that writes likes you, apparently. What you have been reading about Mirage Limited recently seems either wrong or misguided and I, against my better judgment, am here to set you straight.

Three Lessons

Tiago explores lessons he has learned about metagaming, drafting, and the Pro Tour lifestyle while travelling the world recently.

SCG Daily – The Kid’s Perspective: Some Mulligan Exercises

In the last Limited format (CBS), I mulliganned a lot less often than usually only because of the cards-in-hand cards like Okiba Nightwatch or Spiraling Embers. The current Limited format seems as if it’s stabilized to a “normal” amount of mulligans that should be taken. You might even mulligan more often than usual because of the common dual lands; they are the easiest way to catch up with your opponent in cards. I’m sure you’ve all read an article that thoroughly discusses the theory of mulliganning, so I’ll list the criteria once more and discuss them briefly.

Attacking is the Nut Low – 2005 Worlds Report Part 2

After yesterday’s forum responses, how could you not read today’s installment from the most controversial writer in Magic?