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Ben’s Corner: Guildpact is Coming – Alpha/Beta/Unlimited Repriced and Restocked!

We’ve added fifty-thousand (yes, 50,000) Alpha, Beta, Unlimited and Antiquities singles to our inventory – while dropping prices on the majority of the cards in these sets by as much as 50%! Learn more about this massive inventory update, the fantastic Guildpact prices we’ll be offering at Grand Prix: Richmond, and more, all in this week’s Ben’s Corner!

Ravnica Limited: Drafting All The Colors

Ravnica is a city of Guilds, each defined by a strong color pairing. Drafting along strict Guild-based themes can bear wonderful fruit. Rich Hoaen, however, says “screw that!” Today, he shares his succesful Five Color strategy, with tips and tricks for the aspiring Rainbow Mage.

Ravnica Limited: Drafting All The Colors – A Draft Walkthrough

Following up his introductory article, Rich plunges headlong into a typical Five Color draft scenario, bringing a full walkthrough and match analysis. Just how powerful is the multicolored archetype? Rich explains all…

Veggies and Kelp

It took a while to get over being unable to make new Extended decks. This season saw one of the best Constructed formats in quite some time… though it seems Friggorid will be degrading our wonderful environment next year. Alas. On the bright side, I now have a reason to write about Vintage again. It’s time to celebrate the New Year and give out some vague and inaccurate predictions for 2006!

SCG Daily – A Deck a Day: Pine Needles

Welcome back to our Thursday installment of the coolest daily deck-a-thon this side of the Atlantic Ocean!

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy # 136: Conclusions about the Value of Playtesting On MTGO

Peter completes his analysis of the MTGO test-bed. Through thorough testing and examination of results, he brings us the low-down on the relevance of the electronic game in today’s thriving community.

SCG Daily – A Deck a Day: Bottled Fun

Today, let’s turn our eyes towards a little Ravnica action, shall we? Sometimes, you just want to build the obvious. Bottled Cloister screams “Combine me with other artifacts.” Let’s take a look at just such a deck.

A Scrub Brushes Up, #1: My Grand Prix Trial (By Fire!)

Scrubdom forever, or a true start to a tourney career? The choice was mine, and I made it. I vowed to, yes, finally claw my way up, to make some kind of showing at a real tournament. I swore to emerge from my warm and snuggly prerelease cocoon and stretch my damp little wings in the cold and unforgiving world of PTQs, GPTs, MREs, etc. This article series will detail my antics and hi-jinks along the way, and, if you’re lucky, maybe even an honest-to-God caper.

Glazed Over: PTQ Prague Report, Gainesville, FL *11th*

I believe that consistency is most important in Sealed, because power level is out of your hands in a number of ways. Build your deck to consistently incorporate the same plan over and over, as opposed to taking advantage of raw power draws that will only win a couple of rounds. Since most people would prefer to draw, I could squeak in with tempo. I have no idea if this is obvious to most. I was discouraged from this plan by many people… yet I finished higher than all of them.

Mixed kNuts: Critical Hit

Not only does today’s Premium article feature Knutson discussing an updated list of Worlds 6-0 deck Critical Mass and what direction it might go post-Guildpact, but you also get Tim Aten doing his thing in The Guest Spot. How can you resist?

Responding to De Rosa – Are the Japanese Cheating?

There has been some discussion in the Magic community lately about whether or not certain Japanese players are cheaters. Kanoot has seen a lot of Japanese Magic in the last two years and decided it was probably time to weigh in with his opinion on the topic.

PTQ: Prague – It Rhymes With “Greg”

Take one Limited PTQ and combine with three parts well-lubed Rizzo. Add one Sealed Deck pool, two drafts, and a whole lotta love and you get the recipe for the other Jonny Magic’s latest concoction.

A Vintage Year in Review, Part Two

The first half of 2005 was a period of successive metagame adjustments interrupted by a format-convulsing restriction. To recap, Control Slaver dominated the first major tournament of the year yet was demolished at the following StarCityGames.com Power Nine (SCG P9) pit stop in Syracuse, New York. Control Slaver was the deck to beat, and Vintage players knew it. The second half of the year brought some major changes to the format…

The $400 Solution Part III: Improving Angel Stax

The deck I designed four months ago existed in a different environment. Since then, Legacy has evolved. Threshold decks are much more popular, but other archetypes are beginning to demonstrate consistency and strength. Control decks are evolving beyond Landstill; Blue/White Angel Control and Red/White Rift Control appear to be a consistent presence in the metagame. Gamekeeper and IGGy Pop are well-developed combo decks that have put up good finishes. All these changes mean Angel Stax needs to undergo some modifications as well in order to remain competitive.

SCG Daily – A Deck a Day: Waving for the Last Call

Welcome back to our Tuesday installment of decking. Yesterday, I looked at the ever popular Mirage rare Jungle Patrol and built a deck around it. Not only was it a fun deck, but it also had a bit of the “bad rare” syndrome going with it. Today I want to take a look at another Mirage card