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SCG Daily – Breaking Away

Rizzo finishes his daily stint in fine style, railing at the world and all who’ll listen. Of course, he’s trying not to be egotistical… but he’s being worse.

Three Great Guildpact-Infused Decks

Hello! It’s your favorite Eternal Dominion-wielding superhero and forumite. This time I’m going to take my lessons from playing Magic Workstation, and a week of solid Standard playtesting, to show you what’s possible when you take the raw power offered by Guildpact and apply it to tournament-winning decks.

Oops, I Broke the Format – Play Flame Vault Stax at GP Richmond

Kevin walks us through the evolution and execution of Flame Vault Stax, one of Legacy’s most durable weapons. He urges us to take arms and play this at the forthcoming Duel for Duals at Grand Prix: Richmond…

DVD Extras

In an article full of special features, Mike takes us behind the scenes in the construction of a set review. This featurette acts as a director’s commentary to his recent Guildpact review, allowing scene-by-scene access to some of his hits and misses in Ravnica thus far. Click the interactive menu above, and head straight for the subtitles within…

Deck Review — URzatron for Guildpact

In this article, I would like to talk about the deck that went undefeated at Worlds 2005. After doing some testing with the new Guildpact cards with one of my partners in crime, Jason Yap, I feel that this deck — the URzatron — has enough potential to be a good deck for upcoming Guildpact-legal Type 2 tournaments.

Peace of Mind: Guildpact Mechanics, Part II

Last article, I examined one of the three Guildpact mechanics: Bloodthirst. While I thought it was an inventive mechanic, I didn’t feel it lived up to its potential. The second mechanic I want to examine is my favorite from Guildpact: Replicate.

SCG Daily – Breaking Wind

I want you to be good at Magic, just like me. While I understand you can never be as fantastic at this game as I am, this week is all about helping you to achieve those dreams, if they involve being tremendously awesome at Magic, but still nowhere at ridiculously broken as me. Each day, a lesson will be imparted in which you will learn to break things. I am your Aesop, so prick up your ears, pay strict attention, and you shall be delivered.

Guildpact and Five

As usual in the week before a set’s release, we’re inundated with card reviews and speculations. Abe’s article today, however, is different. It concentrates on the cards that shine in a favorite non-sanctioned fun format: Five Color.

SCG Daily – Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Mr Rizzo hits fine form in this installment of SCG Daily. Today, he breaks the inner workings of Wizards of the Coast, not to mention the entire Magic community, wide open.

Fact: Wizards prints “Flip A Coin Cards,” or FACCs for short.
Consensus: No one likes the FACCin’ things.

Four Tips on Winning With Mana Drain

In this article I’d like to share with you four subtle tips and strategies that will grant you new insight into Mana Drain decks, as well as improve your overall game and the consistency of your play. If you take these four tips into account at the next Vintage event, playtest session, or weekly tournament, I promise you will see improved results in your play, and have a better understanding into the workings of your deck.

The Magic Online Column: Ten Reasons to Play

We have to face the facts; this is a Magic Online column. Some of you out there may have very little interest in Magic Online, so you’d think that I’ve lost you lot right there. But I’m no quitter. I’m not going to give up on you beautiful people so easily! What follows are the Top 10 reasons why you need to have Magic Online installed on your personal computer.

Guildpact Constructed Set Review Part VII: Guild Mana and Artifacts

Pre-order Guildpact Today!
In the final installment of this enlightening series, Mike shares his thoughts on guild mana spells, artifacts, and lands. He also outlines the varying strengths of each Ravnica Block mechanic thus far, and gives his view on the success of Guildpact as a whole.


Azusa’s Revenge — Turboland Revisited

Red/Green Turboland? WTF? Isn’t Turboland supposed to be U/G with stuff like Gush, now banned in Legacy? What are you spewing, Mr. X? You must be one crazy old fart, let me tell you.

Yeah, so?

It’s been rather weird, how this deck came together. It’s entirely my own creation, so I will take credit for its success.

Grand Prix Richmond Guide to Dining & Area Nightlife

Grand Prix Richmond - February 3-5, 2006!

For those of you who will be coming to Richmond, Virginia for the first time, I would like to extend a warm welcome on behalf of our fair City on the James. Richmond is one of this nation’s oldest communities, and for those who are interested in U.S. history — be it Colonial, Revolutionary, or Civil-War era — Richmond is steeped in it. I could go on and on about places of historical interest, but I know the vast majority of you are coming in for a weekend of wall-to-wall Magic, before either heading home or heading for a local sports bar to catch the Super Bowl. I’ll leave the history to Googlers and get right down to the important stuff — how to get around Richmond, and where to go for food and nightlife!

From Right Field: Guilding the Lily

It’s time I put my own spin on the whole “look at the new cards” thing. Hey, I was right about The Patriots not winning The Super Bowl this year. I could be right about some cards, too. Because I love you guys so much, I’m not going to be cheesy and do this in six parts. Because I love you, you get all of Guildpact at once. You’re welcome.