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SCG Daily – The Mental Edge

For the final article in this Daily Series, I’m going to respond to something my roommate wanted to see awhile back. He mentioned that he noticed the little things people will do in a game that aren’t necessarily related to the game state itself, but nevertheless can generate match wins out of thin air. In other words, he wanted to know what he could do to win a game in real life that couldn’t be done on Magic Online.

Ma1ntaining a Direct10n — 0nly 17.95!!!

Today’s article title stems from one of the more creative pieces of spam I’ve found in my inbox. It seems that this particular e-mail stemmed from a company who specialised in telling people who may or may not have the appropriate need exactly how much money they could save investing in pills and a crème that, combined, would lead to the spontaneous coalescence of a lardge pebnis.

Lessons in Limited: Mirage/Visions Sealed Deck

As the world waits for Dissension, Nick branches away from his usual Ravnica/Guildpact play to take part in the Visions Release Events on Magic Online. Are you tired of drafting RRG? Do you fancy shaking your booty with the older cards? If so, Nick has the low-down on the format, and the results to prove it. A break from the norm, before the Dissension madness hits town this weekend…

Matchup Analysis: Meandeck Ichorid vs. Brassman Gifts

The Vintage game can be daunting to the casual observer. Powerful cards, insane plays, games won and lost on the very first turn… Luckily, Stephen is here to help. By running through, play by play, four actual matches featuring Meandeck Ichorid versus Brassman Gifts, he dissects each and every possible twist, and the thought process behind every move. An excellent article, destined to spawn many others…

The Beautiful Struggle: Fun With Ravnica Limited

My Team Standard Pro Tour Qualifier didn’t turn out too well. I just found out that I won’t be doing Regionals because it’s on the exact same day as my sister’s wedding. Playing qualifiers in That Other Game tends to put me on full-blown, yelling-at-people-for-no-good-reason tilt. So how do I get enthusiastic about gaming again? Why, at a Grand Prix Trial for Toronto, of course!

The Kitchen Table #128: Decks from the Casual Room

Read Abe Sargent... every Thursday at

Abe ventures into the Magic Online Casual Room, and comes out smelling of roses. Three new decks, all examined with his critical Casual eye… Want some fresh ideas? Look no further.

SCG Daily – Planning Ahead

“When you play out a match, you should have some idea within the first few turns of what you want the end of the game to look like. Then you need to do everything you can to ensure that the game ends up that way.” – Matt Schmaltz

I find this quote from Schmaltz particularly insightful because, in my mind, it’s what separates the good players from the great ones. MS is a great player, and most of us are not, because he thinks of these types of things. I want to figure out how to do that.

Hidden Gems #2

Raphael returns with another edition of Hidden Gems. As with his previous article, Raph examines a number of supposedly weak cards in the Ravnica Limited arena, and talks us through the pros and cons of each. His recent form on the Limited GP circuit is second to none… his advice will help improve your game. Plus drafting tips from Olivier Ruel and Anton Jonsson!

Maxing your Mana and Splashing for Success

In the second of his weekly columns, Jeroen answers some strategic questions on Ravnica Limited. We all know that a strong manabase is important… but how can we maximize our color-producing potential? Also, when is the optimal time to start thinking about our splash options? All this, plus a Team Standard decklist!

Magic Online Musings: This Week on MTGO #11

Read The Blisterguy... every Wednesday at

It’s Wednesday, it’s Magic Online… it’s blisterguy! More tournament data and card prices from one of the funniest writers around. Plus a card designed for Wrath-happy Timmies everywhere…

SCG Daily – The Mulligan

We’ve had some excellent pieces on how to know when to mulligan, why bad players often don’t mulligan enough, etc. Those were all quality articles. But what I want to figure out, or at least raise for inquiry, is how to balance the impact of losing an extra card against the possibility that another random hand of six cards will actually help you “win more.”

The Cube 2.0

Today I’m going to bring you immeasurable joy, like nothing you’ve seen before.

How’s that for a tagline? Read on, and soon you too will be a believer…

Pauper Deck Challenge: The Best Format You Haven’t Heard Of Yet

PDC means you play with online commons only. It’s such a thriving format that it has two subformats, and a community on MODO waiting for you to join. In an attempt to lure you into the fold, Alex has provided winning decklists, card listings, and strategies – so what are you waiting for? Hop on in!

F33ring GG

In a few weeks, Rizzo turns 37. As a popular elder statesman of our wonderful game, it’s only right and proper that we should sup deep from the well of his knowledge. So, what’s this article about? Let’s see… it touches on the future of Magic… I think. He shares his thoughs on Dissension… somewhere. And there’s a decklist… almost. Classic JFR: Rizzo being Rizzo, as only Rizzo can…

The Enduring Ideal Primer

The forums clamored for it… and Richard obliged! A comprehensive primer article on the entertaining Enduring Ideal deck in Standard. Cards dissected, sideboards analysed, plays and strategies shared for all… can this unsung archetype be a force in the Standard metagame? Can it make waves in the murky waters of Team Standard? Read on to find out…