
AuthorUsman Jamil

Usman Jamil has been playing Magic since Revised and Fallen Empires. Usman spends most of his Magic time thinking about, writing about, podcasting about, tinkering with and playing Cube, theorizing about its various aspects and going on his soapbox.

Magic Online Cube And Aftermath

Cube enthusiast Usman Jamil talks about Magic Online Cube and how it helped break down barriers for people who had never had the opportunity to play the format before. Hopefully it will return soon so we can all have more Cube action!

Cube Holistic Wisdom – Outsourcing

For this week’s Cube fix, Usman Jamil goes over the benefits and drawbacks of looking at a card’s performance in other formats to evaluate it for Cube. Learn how you can improve your outsourcing skills for all formats.

Cube Holistic Wisdom – The Case For Data

Usman Jamil provides you with suggestions on how to use data to improve your cube. He talks about how tracking your cube’s average converted mana cost among other things can help you build a better cube.

Cube Holistic Wisdom – Unique Effects

Usman Jamil goes deeper into cube theory and why power level isn’t everything in cube. Sometimes it’s all about what unique effects can be found in each color / mana cost. For cube designers, Usman’s column has indispensable advice.

Cube Holistic Wisdom – Finishers

All in all, when you’re designing and drafting a cube, you want your finishers to have a powerful effect on the board. Usman Jamil outlines what makes a good cube finisher.

Cube Holistic Wisdom – 2011 Cube Review

With 2011 coming to a close and with the year bringing five sets—Mirrodin Besieged, New Phyrexia, Commander, Magic 2012 and Innistrad—there’s no better time than now to do a year-end retrospective of cube with this year’s set.

Cube Holistic Wisdom-Cube Anatomy 101

Today, Usman Jamil talks about Size. Size of cube, size of individual sections, balance of spells to creatures, balance of multicolor and mana-fixing, and more. If you want to design your own cube, this article is a must-read.