
AuthorSean McKeown

Sean McKeown is renowned for his ability to take existing archetypes and improve them. His articles often end up influencing constructed metagames from States and Regionals to the Pro Tour itself.

Dear Azami: For The Birds

Derevi, Empyrial Tactician isn’t the most popular Commander for her combo-oriented nature, but when a Dear Azami reader wants to play fair with Bird Tribal, Sean McKeown flies to the rescue!

Dear Azami: Digital Forests

Sean suggests some changes to Steven’s Mono-Green Ramp/Voltron Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer Commander deck as he makes the transition to paper from Magic Online!

Dear Azami: The Reset

Instead of looking at another person’s deck, today Sean tries to turn over a new leaf in Commander by building a deck for himself commanded by Sliver Queen.

Dear Azami: When Hugging Hurts

In this week’s edition of Dear Azami, Sean gets to utilize a card that’s been on his mind recently in a reader’s Nin, the Pain Artist Commander deck.

Dear Azami: #TeamGeist

This week fellow StarCityGames.com writer Anthony Lowry asks Sean McKeown for some assistance with his Geist of Saint Traft Commander deck.

Dear Azami: Rise Of The Graveborn

Sean helps a long-time reader with his quirky Sek’Kuar, Deathkeeper deck focusing on an Aristocrats-like game of creature sacrifice in this week’s Dear Azami.