
AuthorRyan Saxe

Ryan is a Limited specialist who prides himself in his efficacy for problem solving and innovative solutions to Draft formats. Finding exploitable strategies within a Limited format is what he does best, and teaching the skills necessary to succeed in Limited is a close second.

Drafting Digest: Go Trailblazers

Sometimes we debate traps or bombs, but one thing that comes up all the time in Draft that we don’t talk about often enough is the perfect number of a copy of a card! Not all cards need the same quantities! Ryan explains here!

Drafting Digest: You’re My Obsession

Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan revealed what many pros think of the Draft format! Ryan Saxe explores the implications for your local events before offering two intriguing picks!

Drafting Digest: Pro Tour’s Eve

With Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan drawing top players and qualifying hopefuls to Spain, Ryan Saxe turns his eye to the Limited rounds! Would the pros make the picks he makes? Would you?

Drafting Digest: Am I Really Playing Red?

Ryan Saxe makes no bones about it: he thinks Red is the weakest color in Rivals of Ixalan Draft! But with the packs seemingly pushing him that way, can he bring himself to get Mountains at the basic land station?

Drafting Digest: Grasping At Draws

Ryan Saxe has a few more tough picks for you to check out! Do you agree with his analysis? What cards would you take if you were in his shoes? The voting is open!

Drafting Digest: Cards That Are Sneaky Good

There are two kinds of Magic players: those that have not played Cube Draft, and those that are addicted to it! Count Ryan Saxe among the latter as he gives you the chance to vote for more picks with more packs!