
AuthorRyan Overturf

Ryan Overturf is a two-time Open champion and regular commentator for the SCG Tour, as well as a co-owner of Lodestone Coffee and Games in Minnetonka, Minnesota. A cantrip aficionado and connoisseur of value, he's always at the ready to extol the virtues of Grixis.

The 540: Commander Cube 101

On this episode of The 540, Justin Parnell and Ryan Overturf discuss the proper way to construct, play, and operate a Commander Cube.

Introducing The Tempo Twobert!

Ryan Overturf’s quest for the perfect two-player Cube continues with the Tempo Twobert, featuring low curves and quick beats. How did he build it?

The 540: Developing Cube Archetypes

On this episode of The 540, Justin Parnell and Ryan Overturf expand on a fan-requested topic and detail the process of developing Cube archetypes.

The 540: Building Your First Cube

Justin Parnell and Ryan Overturf teach you everything you need to know to build your first Cube, including the common pitfalls and how to avoid them.