
AuthorDaniel Crane

Daniel Crane's first Magic deck was about 120 cards, control-heavy, and had the amazing Unstable Shapeshifter/Phyrexian Dreadnought combo. Over the next five years, most of Daniel's decks have changed only in card count. One tournament-worthy deck, a binder, and loads of casual decks keep him in the game and provide the fuel for his writing at Star City that has endured for more than three years.

Miserables: The Gathering

The eternal question has always plagued Magic: How can we bridge the Sharks-versus-Jets gulf that lies between Les Miserables fans and Magic players? Fortunately, Daniel Crane answers it!

The Real Story Behind Torment

Well, as has been my tradition, I will once again analyze the flavor texts of the new set in order to increase storyline and flavor text awareness in the general Magic community.

Torment? Yes, Please!

Torment, the newest expansion, is now available to purchase for fun and profit. And believe me… The fun that we as players will have with this set will no doubt reap profit for those who provide it!

Casual Magic At Its Best

…and Matt Eddleman, and Israel Marques. The all-multiplayer day continues with a 5 Color Chaos Multiplayer report from three separate players!

Control Lives On

This deck started out with the base of the Finkula deck played at the Invitational; with that starting point, I went on to make a few modifications.

Just Wild About Harry

Harry Potter’s got his own card game – why should he come to Magic? Because Magic deserves some magic too, darn it!

The (In)Congruity Of Magic

If Urza wants to draw black and green mana from the same source, why should he take it from the painful Llanowar Wastes? Are there no more bayous in all of Dominaria?

Pit Familiars

None other than the Mirari is up for grabs – but only if you can win it in the pit. What new contestants vie for the most powerful artifact in Odyssey?