The Challenge
Four of our writers will battle
to the death
for pride and honor in the return of a classic, Battle Royale.
Don’t know what that is? Me neither!
before my time. But this is what I know…
We’re turning Magic into a true spectator’s sport. Log onto your Magic Online accounts to watch the battles in real-time. Right in front of you! On the screen!
Our four hand-picked writers have to
design a Standard budget decklist that costs no more than $30
and battle one another to see who’s is superior.
The Contenders
Matt Sperling, the Esteemed
MODO name: GuiIJoe
Todd Anderson, the Feared
MODO name: strong sad
Max McCall, the Masterful
MODO name: SCGGreen
Gavin Verhey, the Inspirational
MODO name: rabon
The Place and Time
Log onto Magic Online and enter the
Casual Play room where Anything Goes.
I tell you!
The bloodshed will take place starting at
6 p.m. EST on Tuesday
(that’s today), November 2nd. It will continue until all battles have been fought.
When the Dust Settles
If you can’t watch the battles (*shed tear*), you can still take part when our four writers pen the epic tales of their Battle Royale adventures, from how they formulated the deck to how they felt it performed in combat. Their reports will be posted on none other than, where else?
(that’s me) for further news and updates.Â
Admit it, you have nothing better to do. (Or am I thinking of me? All right, you got me…)