18,000 Words, Prelude: The Prep Work

This has been some time in coming, hasn’t it? Many thought that I wouldn’t get this done – but here it is, in all its glory. Be prepared for a long, long ride into the journey that is Pro Tour Houston, the new Extended, Ben Bleiweiss, and a bunch of cards with white mana in their casting cost… And we’ll be looking at who finished what, and where, before I start in on Monday.

Well, now… This has been some time in coming, hasn’t it? Many thought that I wouldn’t get this done – but here it is, in all its glory. Be prepared for a long, long ride into the journey that is Pro Tour Houston, the new Extended, Ben Bleiweiss, and a bunch of cards with white mana in their casting cost.

For those in the dark (or just joining us for the first time), here’s a recap. Back in October, virtually nobody was talking about the new Extended format. Ice Age, Alliances, Mirage, Visions, Weatherlight, and 5th Edition were rotating out, leaving the cut off for legal sets at Tempest block. This decimated virtually every pre-existing archetype, and left the field wide open for innovation.

Except nobody was discussing Extended.

This really blew my mind. Here was one of the most vital and fresh formats in recent history, and people were failing to get excited about innovating new decks.

At the same time, people had begun complaining heavily that white, as a color, had no bite. Many readers of MTG.com wrote in to complain about white’s current power level.

So I decided to kill two birds with one stone: I would write an article which gave credit to white where credit was due, and kick-start discussion on the upcoming Extended season at the same time. The best way to get both accomplished would be to publish an article so outrageous that people would have no choice but to respond.

I went back through the archives of the Sideboard, and pulled out a list of virtually every white card which appeared in a deck at the past few years’ worth of constructed Pro Tours, Masters, and Grand Prix. This included Extended, Type 2, and Block Constructed. Next, I compiled the list up, and guaranteed that these cards would see play, and put up a hundred words of writing per card that didn’t see play.

Here’s the list, changed only to include the ‘anonymous’ at the time Onslaught cards. I’m under an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) with Wizards, meaning I couldn’t discuss actual Onslaught cards before the public release. Instead, I inserted the Onslaught cards alphabetically into the list.

  1. Absolute Grace
  2. Absolute Law
  3. Academy Rector
  4. Akroma’s Blessing
  5. Akroma’s Vengeance
  6. Allay
  7. Ancestor’s Chosen
  8. Ancestral Tribute
  9. Angel of Mercy
  10. Armageddon
  11. Arrest
  12. Aura Blast
  13. Auratog
  14. Balancing Act
  15. Battle Screech
  16. Benevolent Bodyguard
  17. Blinding Angel
  18. Cataclysm
  19. Chastise
  20. Cho-Manno, Revolutionary
  21. Cho-Manno’s Blessing
  22. Circle of Protection: Black
  23. Circle of Protection: Blue
  24. Circle of Protection: Green
  25. Circle of Protection: Red
  26. Circle of Protection: White
  27. Clear
  28. Commander Eesha
  29. Crusade
  30. Defender En-Vec
  31. Defiant Falcon
  32. Defiant Vanguard
  33. Devoted Caretaker
  34. Devout Witness
  35. Disenchant
  36. Dismantling Blow
  37. Divine Sacrament
  38. Enlightened Tutor
  39. Erase
  40. Exalted Angel
  41. Exile
  42. False Prophet
  43. Flickering Ward
  44. Fresh Volunteers
  45. Gerrard’s Battle Cry
  46. Gerrard’s Wisdom
  47. Global Ruin
  48. Glorious Anthem
  49. Glory
  50. Golden Wish
  51. Hobble
  52. Honor the Fallen
  53. Humility
  54. Intrepid Hero
  55. Ivory Mask
  56. Jareth, Leonine Titan
  57. Jeweled Spirit
  58. Jhovall Queen
  59. Karmic Guide
  60. Lashknife Barrier
  61. Last Breath
  62. Lawbringer
  63. Light of Day
  64. Lightbringer
  65. Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero
  66. Longbow Archer
  67. Mageta the Lion
  68. Mobilization
  69. Monk Realist
  70. Morningtide
  71. Mother of Runes
  72. Nightwind Glider
  73. Nomads en-Kor
  74. Nova Cleric
  75. Oblation
  76. Opalescence
  77. Order of the Sacred Torch
  78. Orim, Samite Healer
  79. Orim’s Chant
  80. Orim’s Prayer
  81. Orim’s Thunder
  82. Paladin En-Vec
  83. Parallax Wave
  84. Pariah
  85. Pegasus Stampede
  86. Phantom Nomad
  87. Pianna, Nomad Captain
  88. Pilgrim of Justice
  89. Planar Birth
  90. Prismatic Strands
  91. Pure Reflection
  92. Pursuit of Knowledge
  93. Radiant’s Dragoons
  94. Ramosian Lieutenant
  95. Ramosian Sky Marshall
  96. Rapelling Scouts
  97. Renounce
  98. Reverent Mantra
  99. Rout
  100. Rune of Protection: Black
  101. Rune of Protection: Blue
  102. Rune of Protection: Green
  103. Rune of Protection: Red
  104. Rune of Protection: White
  105. Sacred Ground
  106. Sacred Guide
  107. Samite Ministrations
  108. Sanctimony
  109. Scour
  110. Serenity
  111. Serra Angel
  112. Serra Avatar
  113. Shaman En-Kor
  114. Shared Triumph
  115. Solitary Confinement
  116. Soltari Crusader
  117. Soltari Monk
  118. Soltari Priest
  119. Soltari Visionary
  120. Spectral Lynx
  121. Spirit Cairn
  122. Spiritual Focus
  123. Spurnmage Advocate
  124. Staunch Defenders
  125. Steadfast Guard
  126. Stern Judge
  127. Story Circle
  128. Sunscape Familiar
  129. Suntail Hawk
  130. Tariff
  131. Test of Endurance
  132. Thermal Glider
  133. Topple
  134. True Believer
  135. Vengeful Dreams
  136. Voice of All
  137. Warmth
  138. Warrior en-Kor
  139. Wave of Reckoning
  140. Waylay
  141. Weathered Wayfarer
  142. Whipcorder
  143. Wishmonger
  144. Worship
  145. Worthy Cause
  146. Wrath of God
  147. Absorb
  148. Anurid Brushhopper
  149. Armadillo Cloak
  150. Aura Mutation
  151. Captain Sisay
  152. Charging Troll
  153. Crystalline Sliver
  154. Death Grasp
  155. Dromar, The Banisher
  156. Dromar’s Charm
  157. Eladamri’s Call
  158. Fleetfoot Panther
  159. Galina’s Knight
  160. Gerrard’s Verdict
  161. Goblin Legionnaires
  162. Goblin Trenches
  163. Hunting Grounds
  164. Lightning Angel
  165. Llanowar Knight
  166. Meddling Mage
  167. Mirari’s Wake
  168. Mystic Enforcer
  169. Noble Panther
  170. Overgrown Estate
  171. Phantom Nishoba
  172. Questing Phelddagrif
  173. Reviving Vapors
  174. Rith, The Awakener
  175. Sabertooth Nishoba
  176. Sliver Queen
  177. Sterling Grove
  178. Teferi’s Moat
  179. Vindicate
  180. Victual Sliver
  181. Wax / Wane

Quite a list, eh? At 100 words a card, my article had the potential to reach 18,100 words (hence the title of my column being 18,000 words). So just how much did end up being obligated to write about cards not being played?

To answer this question, let’s take an in-depth look at how white decks performed at PT Houston.


Deck Type

$$=Made Day 2, Finished in the money.

**=Made Day 2, did not finish in the money

(Finish) Player Name: Total, White Cards played (Main Deck/Sideboard)

UB Reanimator-38 Played

Aluren-33 Played

Ghoul Burst-10 Played

Angry Ghoul-9 Played

Enchantress-9 Played

BW Reanimator-7 Played

MonoB Reanimator-6 Played

BG Reanimator-5 Played

Rebels-4 Played

Solitary Confinement-4 Played

White Weenie-4 Played

Angry Terravore-3 Played

Pattern of Therapy-3 Played

The Rock-3 Played

BR Reanimator-2 Played

Elves-2 Played

Fiends-2 Played

Suicide Black-2 Played

Turbo Oath-2 Played

BW Control-1 Played

Life-1 Played

Nether Post-1 Played

Turboland-1 Played

WUB Reanimator-1 Played

Wow, that’s a lot of decks that played white: One hundred and fifty five (out of three hundredy and fifty one competitors). Of these, fifty (out of one hundred and seventeen) advanced to the second day of competition, earning a combined total of $61,555.

Now, which white cards were played the most? Here’s a bunch of rankings for your edification, dear reader.

1st List-Total number of decks in which a card appeared.

2nd List-Total quantity of a card

3rd List-Total quantity of a card, main deck

4th List-Total quantity of a card, sideboard

5th List-Highest finish, by card.

List One: Total appearances in decks (Out of 155 Decks)

77-Phantom Nishoba

28-Soul Warden

25-Monk Realist

24-Academy Rector

22-Seal of Cleansing




13-Meddling Mage

13-Ray of Revelation

11-Absolute Law

11-Light of Day

11-Parallax Wave

10-Orim’s Chant

10-Ramosian Sergeant


7-Mother of Runes


6-Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero


6-Solitary Confinement


6-Wrath of God


5-Defiant Falcon

5-Defiant Vanguard

5-False Prophet


4-Ramosian Sky Marshal


3-Circle of Protection: Red

3-Nightwind Glider

3-Paladin En-Vec

3-Radiant’s Dragoons

3-Ramosian Lieutenant

3-Rith, The Awakener

3-Teferi’s Moat

3-Thermal Glider


2-Absolute Grace

2-Beloved Chaplain

2-Dismantling Blow

2-Eladamri’s Call

2-Honor the Fallen

2-Ivory Mask


2-Sabretooth Nishoba

2-Soltari Monk

2-Spectral Lynx

2-Spirit Link


1-Ancestor’s Chosen

1-Angelic Protector

1-Angelic Shield


1-Cloudchaser Eagle

1-Enlightened Tutor

1-Galina’s Knight

1-Gerrard’s Verdict

1-Iridescent Angel

1-Karmic Justice

1-Last Breath

1-Longbow Archer


1-Nomad En-Kor

1-Prismatic Strands

1-Reya Dawnbringer

1-Shaman En-Kor


1-Sliver Queen

1-Soltari Priest

1-Sphere of Law

1-Spirit Cairn


1-Sterling Grove


1-Task Force

1-Warrior En-Kor

1-Weathered Wayfarer

1-Worthy Cause

List Two-Total Quantity

91-Phantom Nishoba

66-Academy Rector

61-Seal of Cleansing

50-Meddling Mage

42-Soul Warden


40-Ramosian Sergeant


34-Parallax Wave


28-Absolute Law

28-Mother of Runes

25-Monk Realist

25-Orim’s Chant





19-Wrath of God

18-Solitary Confinement

16-Ray of Revelation



13-Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero


12-Paladin En-Vec

11-Light of Day

10-Defiant Falcon

9-Defiant Vanguard

8-Soltari Monk

8-Spectral Lynx

7-Radiant’s Dragoons

6-False Prophet


5-Beloved Chaplain

5-Eladamri’s Call

5-Spirit Link

4-Absolute Grace


4-Angelic Protector

4-Circle of Protection: Red

4-Dismantling Blow

4-Galina’s Knight

4-Longbow Archers

4-Nomad En-Kor

4-Ramosian Sky Marshal

4-Soltari Priest


4-Task Force

4-Weathered Wayfarer

4-Worthy Cause

3-Nightwind Glider

3-Ramosian Lieutenant

3-Rith, The Awakener

3-Shaman En-Kor

3-Sphere of Law

3-Teferi’s Moat

3-Thermal Glider

2-Gerrard’s Verdict

2-Honor the Fallen

2-Ivory Mask


2-Sabretooth Nishoba


2-Warrior En-Kor

1-Ancestor’s Chosen

1-Angelic Shield


1-Cloudchaser Eagle

1-Enlightened Tutor

1-Iridescent Angel

1-Karmic Justice

1-Last Breath


1-Prismatic Strands

1-Reya Dawnbringer


1-Sliver Queen

1-Spirit Cairn

1-Sterling Grove

List Three-Total Quantity, Main Deck

55-Academy Rector

46-Phantom Nishoba

40-Meddling Mage

40-Ramosian Sergeant


31-Seal of Cleansing

28-Mother of Runes

27-Soul Warden

26-Parallax Wave



17-Solitary Confinement


12-Paladin En-Vec


10-Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero

8-Soltari Monk

8-Spectral Lynx


7-Defiant Falcon

6-Defiant Vanguard

5-Beloved Chaplain

5-Spirit Link

4-Dismantling Blow

4-Eladamri’s Call

4-Galina’s Knight

4-Longbow Archer

4-Nomad En-Kor

4-Soltari Priest

4-Task Force

4-Weathered Wayfarer

4-Wrath of God

3-Angelic Protector

3-Nightwind Glider

3-Ramosian Lieutenant

3-Ramosian Sky Marshal

3-Rith, The Awakener



3-Thermal Glider

3-Worthy Cause


2-Radiant’s Dragoons

2-Shaman En-Kor


2-Warrior En-Kor

1-False Prophet


1-Reya Dawnbringer

1-Sabretooth Nishoba

1-Sliver Queen

1-Spirit Cairn

1-Sterling Grove

List Four-Total Quantity, Sideboard

45-Sabretooth Nishoba


29-Seal of Cleansing

28-Absolute Law


25-Monk Realist

25-Orim’s Chant



15-Wrath of God

14-Soul Warden



11-Academy Rector

11-Light of Day

10-Meddling Mage

8-Parallax Wave


5-False Prophet

5-Radiant’s Dragoons

4-Absolute Grace

4-Circle of Protection: Red

3-Defiant Falcon

3-Defiant Vanguard

3-Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero

3-Sphere of Law

3-Teferi’s Moat


2-Gerrard’s Verdict

2-Honor the Fallen

2-Ivory Mask

1-Ancestor’s Chosen

1-Angelic Protector

1-Angelic Shield


1-Cloudchaser Eagle

1-Eladamri’s Call

1-Enlightened Tutor

1-Karmic Justice

1-Last Breath

1-Prismatic Strands

1-Ramosian Sky Marshal

1-Sabretooth Nishoba


1-Shaman En-Kor

1-Solitary Confinement


1-Worthy Cause

List Five: By Highest Finish

2ndPhantom Nishoba

6thAcademy Rector

6thOrim’s Chant

6thSoul Warden

7thRay of Revelation

12thEladamri’s Call

12thFalse Prophet

12thLight of Day



31stHonor the Fallen

31stKarmic Justice

31stSeal of Cleansing

31stSolitary Confinement

31stSterling Grove



41stAbsolute Law





71stDefiant Vanguard

71stDefiant Falcon


71stLin Sivvi, Defiant Hero

71stMother of Runes

71stNightwind Glider

71stRamosian Lieutenant

71stRamosian Sergeant

71stRamosian Sky Marshal


71stThermal Glider



82ndAngelic Shield

82ndMeddling Mage

89thSpectral Lynx

89thWrath of God

90thCircle of Protection: Red

90thParallax Wave

92ndGalina’s Knight

92ndSoltari Priest

101stEnlightened Tutor

101stLast Breath


101stSpirit Cairn

115thDismantling Blow

148thTeferi’s Moat


154thIvory Mask

154th-Rith, The Awakener

159thAncestor’s Chosen

165thLongbow Archers

165th-Paladin En-Vec


166thSpirit Link


176thPrismatic Strands

186thAbsolute Grace

208thRadiant’s Dragoons

242nd-Sabretooth Nishoba

287thSphere of Law

289thGerrard’s Verdict

291stReya Dawnbringer

297thBeloved Chaplain

297thSoltari Monk

313thIridescent Angel

313thSliver Queen

337thAngelic Protector

337th-Nomad En-Kor

337th-Shaman En-Kor

337thTask Force

337th-Warrior En-Kor

337thWeathered Wayfarer

337thWorthy Cause




349thCloudchaser Eagle

For those interested, here are the cards I missed.

  1. Abolish
  2. Angelic Protector
  3. Angelic Shield
  4. Auramancer
  5. Beloved Chaplain
  6. Cloudchaser Eagle
  7. Karmic Justice
  8. Ramosian Sergeant
  9. Ray of Revelation
  10. Reprisal
  11. Reya Dawnbringer
  12. Seal of Cleansing
  13. Soul Warden
  14. Sphere of Law
  15. Spirit Link
  16. Stand / Deliver
  17. Task Force

Of these, three were on my hand-written list but somehow disappeared when I was going to type them on my computer. They are Ramosian Sergeant (the only rebel in existence pretty much not on this list), Task Force (the other missing rebel, and the main component of the Life deck played by Ped Bun), and Seal of Cleansing. The biggest two cards I completely missed were Soul Warden (which made quite a few appearances in Aluren) and Ray of Revelation (a sideboard mainstay in every Angry Ghoul/Terravore Deck).

So here are the cards I’ll be writing about over the course of the coming weeks:

  1. Akroma’s Blessing
  2. Akroma’s Vengeance
  3. Allay
  4. Ancestral Tribute
  5. Angel of Mercy
  6. Arrest
  7. Aura Blast
  8. Balancing Act
  9. Battle Screech
  10. Benevolent Bodyguard
  11. Blinding Angel
  12. Cataclysm
  13. Chastise
  14. Cho-Manno, Revolutionary
  15. Cho-Manno’s Blessing
  16. COP: Black
  17. COP: Blue
  18. COP: Green
  19. COP: White
  20. Clear
  21. Commander Eesha
  22. Defender en-Vec
  23. Devoted Caretaker
  24. Devout Witness
  25. Divine Sacrament
  26. Erase
  27. Exalted Angel
  28. Exile
  29. Flickering Ward
  30. Fresh Volunteers
  31. Gerrard’s Battle Cry
  32. Gerrard’s Wisdom
  33. Global Ruin
  34. Glorious Anthem
  35. Glory
  36. Golden Wish
  37. Hobble
  38. Humility
  39. Intrepid Hero
  40. Jareth, Leonine Titan
  41. Jeweled Spirit
  42. Jhovall Queen
  43. Karmic Guide
  44. Lashknife Barrier
  45. Lawbringer
  46. Mageta the Lion
  47. Morningtide
  48. Nova Cleric
  49. Oblation
  50. Opalescence
  51. Order of the Sacred Torch
  52. Orim, Samite Healer
  53. Orim’s Prayer
  54. Orim’s Thunder
  55. Pariah
  56. Pegasus Stampede
  57. Phantom Nomad
  58. Pianna, Nomad Captain
  59. Pilgrim of Justice
  60. Planar Birth
  61. Pure Reflection
  62. Pursuit of Knowledge
  63. Rapelling Scouts
  64. Renounce
  65. Reverent Mantra
  66. Rout
  67. Rune: Black
  68. Rune: Blue
  69. Rune: Green
  70. Rune: Red
  71. Rune: White
  72. Sacred Ground
  73. Sacred Guide
  74. Samite Ministration
  75. Sanctimony
  76. Serra Angel
  77. Serra Avatar
  78. Shared Triumph
  79. Soltari Crusader
  80. Soltari Visionary
  81. Spiritual Focus
  82. Spurnmage Advocate
  83. Staunch Defenders
  84. Steadfast Guard
  85. Stern Judge
  86. Story Circle
  87. Sunscape Familiar
  88. Suntail Hawk
  89. Test of Endurance
  90. True Believer
  91. Vengeful Dreams
  92. Voice of All
  93. Warmth
  94. Wave of Reckoning
  95. Waylay
  96. Wishmonger
  97. Anurid Brushhopper
  98. Armadillo Cloak
  99. Aura Mutation
  100. Captain Sisay
  101. Charging Troll
  102. Crystaline Sliver
  103. Death Grasp
  104. Dromar, The Banisher
  105. Dromar’s Charm
  106. Fleetfoot Panther
  107. Goblin Legionnaires
  108. Goblin Trenches
  109. Hunting Grounds
  110. Lightning Angel
  111. Llanowar Knight
  112. Mirari’s Wake
  113. Mystic Enforcer
  114. Noble Panther
  115. Overgrown Estate
  116. Questing Phelddagrif
  117. Reviving Vapors
  118. Victual Sliver
  119. Wax/Wave

Join me for the first installment of my weekly Starcity column (titled”18,000 words”) this coming Monday (in just three days) when I dive straight into a discussion the most conspicuously absent Extended card this season – and knock off some of those 11,900 words.

Special Feature: Total Word-o-Meter: 0/11,900 (0%)