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      Resource Management

      There are several ways to rate a card. You might think about how a card interacts with other cards or how it fits into a deck. However, when looking at, say, a brand new card without any clue how the metagame will be affected by the other cards in the set, you can’t use these…

      Who Wanted A Type II Pro Tour?

      This November. A Type II Pro Tour. Sounds like a birthday present to me! (My birthday is in November, yes. I have a disturbing driver’s license to prove it, too). Well, that’s what I call good news! After months of petitioning, the DCI has announced that Type II will enter the regular Pro Tour lineup….

      A Brief Respite

      The qualifiers are over, at least here in England, and we have a little break before we have to start testing for the big event. Last weekend was also the monthly Bath Magic tournament so I thought I’d see how Blastogeddon would do against some of the decks in the current environment. After playtesting and…

      Commissioners, A Richard Garfield Story And All Things Swanky

      Too sexy for the DMV, indeed! You’re all jealous, I tell ya, jealous of my swanky good looks. But I get the feeling you’d rather not hear me discuss the secrets to my inner swankiness (to order, call the number on your screen or send $29.95 to….) I know, let’s talk about Regionals like everyone…

      You Know’ For Kids

      As a parent, one of my biggest worries centres around my children being brainwashed by watching too much television (that and committing me to a "Care Facility" where the walls are smeared with poo and eight-foot tall ‘Native Americans’ keep destroying lavatory fittings); more specifically: how it affects their capability for social interaction, the definition…

      Three Decks And A Fountain Of Wisdom

      A strange psychosis begins to creep into every writer’s head when they become a feature columnist; I’ve seen it happen time and time again. They begin to imagine that they have an audience. Now let’s be honest: Do you really even care whether I write anything? Of course you don’t. Every couple of days —…


      is probably the most interesting card from Nemesis. A few of my friends have been talking about it– I had gone so far as to predict it to be the breakout card of Regionals, saying that it would take multiple people to Nationals. The thing I find most interesting, as put it, is that people…

      Price Of Progress: Pro Tour – NY

      I’ve been putting off writing this report. I didn’t do well, the playtest group that I was involved with didn’t do well. We failed. I do it plenty, don’t get my wrong, and I learn from it and I get better. But failure is embarrassing, nonetheless. While some have the excuse that they didn’t try,…

      A Veritable Patchwork Quilt

      Salvete ————- Greetings and salutations, my ever-changing moods! Welcome to the patchwork quilt that is my latest article. And in a packed page tonight we hear a blast from the past, when I share with you something I discovered in the dark recesses of my spare room; we get all philosophical with 57 alternative uses…

      Good & Bad: Installation II

      Hello again from the recently distraught Lawyer. Recently, I’ve suffered computer problems resulting in no access to the Internet since Tuesday and a complete erasure of my hard drive and an illness that put me in the hospital for a while. So, as you can imagine, I’m a little out of touch with the Magic…

      Merfolk For All

      Easter weekend: A time to relax, see friends and try not to think about work. In England, most of us get Good Friday and Easter Monday off work and it makes for a wonderful, long weekend. It also gives those of us that want to a little more time to play Magic that usual. So,…


      I was in FYE (For Your Entertainment) the other day and I decided I needed new tapes for the car. I had one tape in mind going in, the Magnolia Soundtrack), but I wanted something else. I was already in the soundtrack section, so I kept browsing. I came across the new Broadway Recording of…

      Last-Minute Preparations

      I now know the nature of hell. I’m figuratively living in a whirlwind right now, and it’s a little tough to keep my head on straight. There is no causal connection between those two things. I don’t know if you’ve seen the videos of people who’ve had the halves of their brains separated by accident…

      Escape From The Big Apple

      The belated part two. Last week, I was talking about my general observations about Pro Level play. Here are more things I noticed, which may be useful to know about. Pile Shuffle. Every time. It may seem like a given, but I know I forget to do it every once in awhile. Pile shuffling helps…

      The Most Boring Column I’ve Ever Written

      First of all, dear readers, I apologize for turning in a less-than-dazzling column. Unfortunately, one of my ferrets— yes, I do own them, how do you think I got the name?— died of seizures at the vet last night, and I’m not really feeling well enough to write my usual scintillating prose. Sleepy, the albino…