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Who Am I, Cassandra?

This has been a week of finding out THINGS. One thing I found out this week is that the African Lion Safari slogan "Go Wild!" is neither imperative nor literal. It took me a little while to work myself into a nice feral blood lust, but once it got going, jiminy! I do wish they…

The Miser’s Cage

So, Saturday night, after enough Magic related activates for one day (is it possible?), a very cute girl and I go out for dinner and a little Philadelphia touring. Eh. Nothing Magic related, really. Very Cute Girl and I have a nice Italian meal, get a room and watch Fight Club. Enough said. She and…

Nemesis And The Future Of Control Green

First off I need to ask you if you’ve seen the latest issue of Scrye, the one with the Dark Pokemon energy symbol on it. Have you read Omeed’s article on Type 2? In it, he mentions control green and ways the deck gets around . He talks about the obvious, dull and uncreative choice…

Fade To Black

So I’m playing booster draft at a tourney, and I’ve got all this green fat and red beatdown out there, and I’m thinking to myself as I watch my and slowly fade away, "damn! I wish there were a mechanic in Magic that let me retrieve these low-cost, high-action creatures from the graveyard!" It is…

Combos In A Multiplayer Environment


Bargain Banned!

I promise you an article that will scrutinize the card in and out, forward and backward, side to side. And, I will tell you that it is NOT broken; that it is a fair and fun card. Also, I will give you a decklist using this card that wins against 70% of the metagame 90%…

The Philadelphia Paper, Part One

Philadelphia’s a great city, full of Philadelphians (or is it Philapinos?). I had a blast at the Grand Prix, though I spent a good bit of time away from it. called me up a while back, asking if I wanted a free trip to the GP– which I could not refuse, of course. I think…

From The Ashes, Dancing Dead Things?

I wanted to give a quick thanks to all of you for the feedback I’ve gotten in response to my”Disney-freaking-World?!?” column the other week. Whether you came down on my side of the argument or in support of National’s home this year, it’s good to let Wizards know we care about the venue for this…

White Weenie – The Future

Wow. Lin-Sivvi, Defiant Hero is good. The more I look at that card, the more impressed I am at the subtlety of its design, inherent power and three toughness. It’s perfect. She’d totally win the Miss America talent contest. She’s all over the place. Her rebel search ability is smarter than your a-ver-age bear’s. In…

Aggro-Control II

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. I know I said that these would be weekly, and I know this means that the third chapter won’t be out until after GP Philly. I can tell you all the reasons it didn’t come out on time, instead I will get right to the article. Last time I discussed…

Ceci N’Est Pas Une Pipe De Crack

I think I’ve given up wholesale this week. Consequently, you, dear reader, are given a choice. Either a) It is only the fiery dedication that the OMC feels to his grateful readers that keeps him strapped to his word-mill, tirelessly pounding out whatever it is that he pounds out. Or b) The OMC has finally…

She-Hulk Smash!

I don’t know about you, but I get really focused on Type 2 when a new set comes out. I start to look over the spoiler and excitedly scribble deck ideas into my Deck Book. At the same time, there is a dawning realization that my untested Type 2 decks are about to become obsolete….

So, It’s Not As Bad As I Thought

For the first time, I have received hate mail! Though most of it was perhaps not the most flattering writing I’ve had the pleasure to read, it was all informative (when you got past all the shouting). In case you missed it, I wrote an earlier article on this site about how Type II was…

Re: Disney-Freaking-World?

So FINALLY Star City resurrects itself on my computer, and the first thing I ‘m greeted to is a nice new article from , arguably my favorite writer on this site after myself. I like to read Bennie because I think we have a lot in common – wife, house, enjoy playing Green, neither of…

Eight PTQ Slots, One Bullet

Not sure where to begin this week. Playtesting for GP Philly is NOT going as expected. I’m playing that same Russian roulette I played getting ready for States. It’s absolutely insane. As soon as I’m settled on one deck, I go through and read the PTQ reports from over the weekend, and I totally change…