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The Infernal Genesis Of Rarely-Seen Combos

November 1st. What does that date mean to many Magic players? First off, it is the final day for Urza, Mishra, and the rest of the artifact cycle. Secondly, it is three days away from many State Championships. (Kentucky and Minnesota, to name at least two.) With Worlds over and the tourney scene shifting to…

MAGISCOPES, Part I: The Art Of Grubwology

Astrology is defined as "a pseudoscience, claiming to foretell the future by the supposed influence of the stars, planets, etc. on human affairs." When one is born, he’s categorized into one of twelve zodiac signs that always remain the same – and because of his birthdate, certain things are bound to be true about his…


Our esteemed editor told me that the Shakespeare reference was too easy. Apparently it was. I had a boatload of email waiting for me when I got home on publishing day last week. The first person to identify correctly (Henry V, Exeter to King of France; the direct quote is, "This is his claim, his…

Two Much Fun With (Zur’s) Weird Decks

After seeing that there were some deck idea submissions posted to the Star City site, I decided to add my own $.02 with a pair of what I think are interesting and fun decks. While they won’t always pound your opponent into submission, they have a chance to win some games and perhaps dominate certain…

The Drought

(EDITOR’S NOTE — Due to various StarCity-related troubles and the fact that Josh is far more literate than I, this article was supposed to go up two Fridays ago, and we missed it. Then, when I would have put it up this Friday, I wasn’t sure whether "exnihilation" was a word or a spelling mistake……

The Star City Expansion

A few weeks ago, I printed some of my ideas for cool Magic cards and asked you, the Star City readers, to send me your ideas for cards you’d like to see print. My mailbox was rapidly stuffed full of suggestions. Some were good, some weird, some would have taken up two text boxes to…

Searching For Jamie Wakefield

I have no Magic identity. No place in the Magic Matrix. I have no claim to fame. No team. I’m not a Constructed, Limited, or Draft genius. I have no favorite color. Nor format. No signature card, let alone, deck. Where do I fit in? IS green. IS Magic analysis. IS Magic’s Tiger Woods. Mike…


How far should you extend your forces in a multiplayer game of Magic’ The secret formula lies within. First, a housekeeping item. Some of you noticed a wee little fly buzzing around our collective Internet heads last week. Todd Petit, formerly ‘Theo,’ has cast off the shroud of secrecy surrounding his identity and offered you…

Hi, Mark!

"I personally am an Internet Magic junkie. I spend an hour every morning reading all the different sites. As does much of R&D. So remember when you’re posting on-line, please be aware R&D is paying attention." – , Magic Card Designer, in an interview at magicsingles.com "Finally, I’d like to point out that R&D is…

Rehash Central: The Savior Of Magic

Look at me, I’m : What do , , and have in common? Answer: They were all bases for later cards. And it’s my opinion that the recycling of ideas is what will keep Magic alive for a long time. Now, I admit that wasn’t really a predecessor for the other Spikes; it was simply…

FINAL JUDGEMENT: Replacement And Prevention Effects

Thanks to all the folks who responded regarding my grammatical shortcomings. Unfortunately, our beloved editor didn’t correct some of my errors (it was mostly piddling stuff, right Anthony?), but he did, as predicted (and as he admitted) (And as I purposely HAD to do, since Sheldon had corrected me before on it in a previous…

Casual Fridays #55: The Quiz Must Go On

With some encouraging responses from last week’s quiz on Multiplayer Threats, I am moving ahead with this effort and have more fun for you all this week! Quick patch for last week: doesn’t target a player, which I implied. It’s still a devastating threat for you (as well as everyone else) and green mages are…

The Innocence Of Magic

Think back to the first time you played Magic. Do you remember how cool it was? Or how absolutely stupid? I certainly thought it was, without a doubt, the most ridiculous game I had ever encountered. FrigginRizzo: <—Was young once too. It all started on the most boring Saturday ever. My brother-in-law Sean had been…

My First Stab At A Tournament Report

On Sunday, August 27th, I entered the one and only Star City Comics to play in one of their $1000 Type II tournaments. In advance, I had decided to write a report about this event. I was hoping to bring to my readers a primer on how to make Top Eight. Well, my plans didn’t…

Rising Waters In Type II

It’s that time of year again. Another block rotation is about to happen, and we’re about to lose all sense of stability and normality in the Magic universe. Right now I feel it’s a good thing. Why? When I go to a tourney at the moment, I know most of the cards that will be…