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My First Stab At A Tournament Report

On Sunday, August 27th, I entered the one and only Star City Comics to play in one of their $1000 Type II tournaments. In advance, I had decided to write a report about this event. I was hoping to bring to my readers a primer on how to make Top Eight. Well, my plans didn’t…

Rising Waters In Type II

It’s that time of year again. Another block rotation is about to happen, and we’re about to lose all sense of stability and normality in the Magic universe. Right now I feel it’s a good thing. Why? When I go to a tourney at the moment, I know most of the cards that will be…

Libel, Magic Journalism, And Chris Benafel

Last Friday, an article was posted at New Wave which gave credence to a rumor that had been floating around since Worlds – that Chris Benafel had colluded with other players to intentionally throw a match during the Team finals portion of the competition. I had heard this rumor and simply did not believe it….

Good Times, Bad Times

SFX>: Knock, knock Me (opening door cautiously): Yes? Reader: Mister Boydell? Me (suspiciously): Yes? Reader: Mister ? Me: Yes? Reader (expectantly): I’m here about your latest article? Me (relieved): Oh yes! (laughs) Right! (opens door wider; Tony is in his underwear) I’ll just go get something decent on. (starts walking away, then turns) Want to…

How To Dodge Bullets In Six Easy Lessons

So I had created a really crappy deck and I was dying.* In a burst of enthusiasm (while slapping a deck together during the last fifteen minutes of Farscape, as usual), I decided to create an all-blue deck to show off my four shiny new . I created my "Dagobah deck", as I called it,…

Price Of Progress: Where’s the Block Party?

Every year, the Magic: The Gathering Invitational is not only a chance to showcase the best players in the game, but, as it turns out, it’s also an opportunity to test out some of the off-the-wall cards and formats to come out of strange mind. In last year’s Invitational in Kuala Lumpur, the Duplicate Sealed…

Price Of Progress: 2000 World Championships Report

I still like it when the good guys win. You think it would get tiring. I had the same feeling when I heard about Tiger Woods winning yet another major golf tournament, and learned of the show’s incredibly high TV ratings at the same time. It was a blowout. No one else had a chance….

FINAL JUDGEMENT: Triggered Abilities

Now that I’m a regular here on StarCityCCG, I’ll do my best to hop over to the Rules Questions folder on a regular basis. If you have specific questions, either post them there or drop me an email at [email protected]. I’ll answer as quickly as I can. Today I want to talk about a rules…

Life After Urza

This PTQ season I have been shamefully out of touch with the Magic scene. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to play in any PTQs, it’s just that there have been so many other things to do this summer. It doesn’t help when the nearest PTQ season is three to four hours away; I guess…

Casual Fridays #54: Spot The Threat

EMERGENCY PREAMBLE: As I finish up this article Wednesday morning, I see that Signore Ferrett has just posted an article on…threat analysis in multiplayer. D’oh! But mine is better. No, not really; but it does have a fun quiz. And I use really cool words like "implicit" and "explicit"; Ferrett’s still chewing on the plural…

Fever For The Flavour?

I have found out two things this week. One: There is no physical limit to sleeping in. That is to say there are no physical factors (hunger, restedness) that can compel me to wake up. I had always assumed that after eighteen or so hours my animated corpse would say to itself, "I daresay I…

The (So Called) Invasion Of Invasion

"Invasion" is defined as "invading or being invaded as by an army." "Invade" can be defined as "to intrude upon, violate." On our calm field of Magic, an invasion is about to begin – and I’m not talking about Phyrexia. For two years, players have reveled in the glory of the Artifacts Cycle. Urza’s Saga…

Flying Moggs Below The Radar

One of the most unique features of multiplayer is the forced conservation of resources. You have seven cards and two or three extra opponents – so how many can you afford to throw away before they outrace you? It doesn’t matter how thorough you are; some threats are going to sneak through. The question then…

Love Is A Many Splendoured Thing

Scene One ———————————– Our tale begins in the empty sports arena of a typical Dominarian High School. A group of boys sit in the stands around the ‘lead’ boy, whose quif is so large it is supported by large aluminum buttresses and support pillars nailed to his temples. They are clicking their fingers to the…

Hindsight Is 20/20 (With Corrective Lenses, At Least)

A few months ago, I compiled my list of what I thought the top ten cards were for Constructed environments, meaning Mercadian block, Standard and Extended. I promised a look back in a few months to see how good my guessing was. Well, guess what, it’s been a few months, so let’s look into Dave’s…