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Literary Legends

What would characters from classy literature look like as Magic cards?

1800 or Bust!: Counter Rebel On Tour, Part I

He’s been getting into shape, practicing his butt off. And now it’s the Bath tournament. How does Grimmett fare?

Survivor Stories

NEWSFLASH: The Ferrett’s not going to Barcelona. Why? Read on, Macduff… And get some multiplayer”tech” and your hands in the fire.

Peace of Mind: Happy New Year

Farewell, 6th Edition. Good riddance. But what does 7th have to offer in the way of”Damn!”s,”Whoo-hoo!”s,”Hmmm…”s and”Shrug”s?

Casual Play: Multiplayer Combos

You can deal lethal damage to all opponents. You can deck everyone else. Or you can create an amazing hard lock and force everyone to concede.

Multiplayer Invitational #2 And GP Detroit

Who will reign triumphant in Barcelona’s multiplayer mayhem? Kurt outlines his strategies, and tells everyone how it is in Detroit.

Multiplayer Is An Art: Part 3: Corpse Dance

Death. Decay. Destruction. Doom. Those are all catchwords that have been missing in my two previous stories. The Gargoyles only used the tiniest bit of black, and didn’t use red at all. The United Nations were hypocritical in their white-and-blueness. You all most certainly think I’m a sissy for only writing about those happy happy…


As my not-at-all disshevelled appearance attests, it’s one of my passions.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #84: Tossed Salad

84 Ingredients, dressed up with Love. Possibly his longest column ever!

The Multi-Mini-Article

And in a vein very close to Anthony’s, Daniel also goes nuts with random topics! Yet he has only two.

1800 Or Bust!: Not Enough Counters!

How many counterspells go in a CounterRebel deck? A-One… A-two… a-three. Three. Wait, that’s not nearly enough.

Out With The Old, In With The New: 7th Edition And Standard

Dave’s programming job is out, but 7th is in. The former means that he has the time to analyze the latter.

Grand Prix Tourney Report *35th*

Grand Prix Detroit. Nothing could have prepared me for it. My name’s , and though by day I’m a 20-year-old computer technician, there’s only two things I’ve ever been really good at: Writing, and playing Magic. Here’s the story of Grand Prix Detroit- you might call it”A Tale Of Two Hippos”. When I say”nothing could…

GP – Detroit: I Am Not Hip Hop, But I’ll Swing From These

He didn’t want to write this. But somehow, this time seemed worth it.

GP – Detroit: I Am Not Hip Hop, But I’ll Swing From These: Part II

After time has been called, there was a chance for me to guarantee a draw, but I thought and thought and thought and came up with a way to win, but it was very close. I have and , draining him for two a turn and, adding an additional two, and Ryan has a friggin’…