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Responding To Chad Caudell’s Critique Of Eliot Fertik’s Critique Of His Top 8’ing Deck…

As someone who loves debating the merits of various deck builds, I couldn’t help jumping in to this one. I think both Chad and Elliot make some good points, but there are definitely areas in which I disagree with both of them. First, Chad, it doesn’t take”nerve” to criticize someone’s deck – although I do…

U/G/R: Good or No Good?

I’ll be very, very surprised if someone doesn’t find some way to abuse Obliterate at Denver. Maybe that deck will be U/G/R.


It’s my opinion that every serious tournament player should know the rules well enough to pass the Level 1 Judge test. Here’s a couple of examples.

Sexual Chocolate And The 3-5 Conspiracy: PTQ – Nawlins

Rizzo may be indicted for false tournament reports and flagrant lying… But nobody else writes ’em like this. He who dies with the most friggin’ pictures wins.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #96: Hall Of Fame 4.0, Second Floor: The Cemetery…

It’s the all-black version of the HoF, with a very special (and NEW!) #1 – don’t scroll to spoil the surprise!

CASUAL FRIDAYS #96.5: ….And Armory

And now, we look at the white cards that make it big. Okay, you can scroll to the end of this one. We don’t care.

Oblique Strategies

A contest for an Urza’s Rage amongst Brian Eno snipes, children’s rhymes, an IBC rant, and the usual mass of strangeness. What else can we say?

What Makes Me A Happy Camper

I, like all players, have gone through the various stages of exhilaration, frustration, enjoyment, and boredom. But, currently, I’m on a Magic high.

Lords of Atlantis: Zvi Mowshowitz Provides the Skeletons, I Give Them Life

Let me introduce GOSIS to you. Got your breath back? Good. Let’s analyze this sucker.


Meet the guys who organize those large-scale events you love – and meet the winner of Sheldie’s contest!

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #10.5: Feedback

Hey, people loved Peter’s last article on Intruder Alarm combos – and so he has even MORE Alarming ideas to share!

How to break the Flying Fish In IBC: A Metagame Deck

, UG Creature – Elf/Merfolk Flying 2/2 has got to be my favorite card out of the new set. I looked at it, and my jaw dropped. After a quick draft at the Pre-release where I drafted five (five!) of those beauties, I knew I’d have to find a good deck with her. Along comes…

The Corruption Of Kurt Hahn And Other Assorted Sundries

Why nobody will never ever stop the cheating, a response to the Bennie Smith uproar, and the degradation of the 5 Color format. Film at 11.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #95, Part 1: The Machine Wing

The genteel Casual Fridays tradition begins anew, this time with the brown cards…

CASUAL FRIDAYS #95, Part 2: The Vegetable Wing

…and finishing up with the green cards.