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Pure And Simple

An interview with Kai Budde… Sorta… Well, what do you expect from Tony, anyway?

My Odyssey Prerelease Report

I want to apologize for the lateness of my report; I suspect it was Rizzo’s Bruce that made me dawdle. I could go on for six or seven pages about why I brought the deck that I did – but this is a prerelease, so instead I’ll just give you the deck that I built….

CASUAL FRIDAYS #105: Odyssey’s Ups And Downs

Only the very best (well, and the very mediocrest) for your perusal this week. And a graceful Break this Card is born!

With All Due Respect to Scott Johns; No, I Suck: Less Than Stellar Times at a PT: New Orleans Qualifier

At this point, I really just want to hang a heavy stone around my neck, wander over to the Morrison Bridge, and just end my misery. Sweet Jeebus, I’m turning into Vern.

The Real Story Behind Odyssey

I was going to predict what the flavor texts hold for the storyline. But upon reading the quotes in Odyssey, I found something new…

Stuck In The Middle With Bruce

Why does John Rizzo lose? Why does he fail? A thought that might well mean something to everyone who plays Magic.

A Peek into Randy B’s Mind

Wonder what blue looked like in Odyssey before it was finally restrained? Bennie manages to sneak out a document that shows what Randy originally designed…

1800 Or Bust!: Control Is Dead. Long Live Control!

Sure, control will take a hammering thanks to Flashback – but supplement counterspells with discard and a low number of quality Flashback spells, and you might get this.

Odyssey Prerelease Report Pittsburgh *T1*: The CMU Student That Could

Before the Tournament Since this is my first tourney report, I figure I should give a little background on myself. If that’s not your cup of tea, feel free to skip ahead to your heart’s content. I first got into Magic many years ago when I was playing a play by mail game run by…

CASUAL FRIDAYS #104: WWHD (What Would Homer Do)?

With the Scylla of one attractive Prerelease build and the Charybdis of another, what do you play? Or do you just go off on a rant against Mike Long?

Use It Up And Wear It Out

Tony gets serious for a moment about tragedy – and then returns to form for his nominations on the best and worst Odyssey cards.

Our Dearly Departed

Twenty-four characters died in the Apocalypse. As usual, Daniel brings you up to date on the storylines so you can see what’s happening… Or who WAS happening.

Set Intersect: Adding Odyssey to the Mix

When looking over a new set, it pays to mine for gold in broad terms. Are there synergies between old cards and new themes?

Peace of Mind: Burying the Future

This set is going to take a while to break open. But let’s take a look at eight things about Odyssey that you need to know.

Welcome To Buehler Block: What Would Your Puppet Be?

Muddy pictures and a contest (with no prize) to name Rizzo’s amazing ferret puppet sidekick. Oh, and he bashes pros again. What a surprise.