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White Weenie: The Breakdown

Unfortunately, this one missed the deadline for pre-States, but Dave still takes a look at White Weenie. Y’all know how it did by now.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #110: We Interrupt This Empire To Bring You Many Antelopes, With Big Teeth

The results are in, and three graceful decks get prizes! AND Anthony declares war on the Netherlands!

Price of Progress: Pro Tour – New Orleans Report

It’s the finals. Kai Budde from Germany is up against Tomi Wallamies from Finland. I’m not enthralled by the games.

As Displaced As My Collection

I feel that the set rotation should be a confusing and unsettling time.

1800 or Bust!: Reliable? Oh Yeah!

Looking for a last-minute States deck? Jim discusses his R/G beats deck and tells you how it fared at a fifty-person tourney… And what he would have changed.

Dr. Strangelove, Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bombs

I needed to stuff my deck as full of gamebreaking cards as I possibly could. My deck needed to be a bomb-playing machine. And why shouldn’t yours?

The Meaning Of Slap

StarCity’s newest Featured Writer goes nuts yet again, putting on his History Pants to discuss his beatdown build. Oh, and Digby. (beep)

A Really Long Road Up And The Effect Of Escape Artist On The Metagame

Still whacked out after moving cross-country, random even by Rizzo’s standards, the Friggin’ One still manages to discuss Nate Heiss’s private parts.

Boy, That Goblin Has Great Breasts, Thought Edgar Allen Poe

Confused? Don’t be. All you need to know is that The Ferrett’s holding another psychotic contest for creative deckbuilders; the rest will be explained.

Outrageous! Zippy Beetle Strikes Again!

First off, I’d like to inform you that Tsuyoshi Fujita’s deck has improperly been monikered. Just as we don’t call a mocha latte a”Mawcha LAAT”, we shouldn’t call his deck”Rice Snack.” It should properly be monikered”Onigiri.” Onigiri are cheap, filling, and yummy. But anyway, enough about harping about Japanese food! Let’s get all patriotic and…

Force of Will: Decks for States 2001

Black is kinda hosed, and I’m afraid the fix for that as such will be some time coming. So let’s talk about everything else.

And You Knew It Had To Happen: The First Fill-In-The-Blank Tourney Report Submission

PTQ Location: Spuzzum, BC (this is an actual place) Date of PTQ: September 31 Number of people attending PTQ: 10 Where Did You Finish? (Check One): ___ i never rote no tourneis reportz before, but i finished first an i promised myslef that if I wun id write one ___ I finished in the Top…

You CAN Play Type I #14: Odyssey to Type I, Part III

Are you getting tired of rehashes yet? Okay, nothing in Odyssey works in Type 1 according to Oscar, but at least he tells you why…

CASUAL FRIDAYS #109: Empire, The South

In Emperor format, the emperor is not the leader. Hey look, it’s modern business management theory, alive and well at your local card shop and kitchen table!

Zombie Infestation Plus Upheaval Is Fun: PTQ San Diego @ Columbus, OH *T1*

We had something like seven guys from CMU (including Turian) attending this PTQ. This was my first PTQ road trip, and for the most part I’d have to say I enjoyed it. The conversation in the car on the way there was a good chance for me to just toss out any random Limited strategy…