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My Odyssey Prerelease Report

I want to apologize for the lateness of my report; I suspect it was Rizzo’s Bruce that made me dawdle. I could go on for six or seven pages about why I brought the deck that I did – but this is a prerelease, so instead I’ll just give you the deck that I built….

A Peek into Randy B’s Mind

Wonder what blue looked like in Odyssey before it was finally restrained? Bennie manages to sneak out a document that shows what Randy originally designed…

Use It Up And Wear It Out

Tony gets serious for a moment about tragedy – and then returns to form for his nominations on the best and worst Odyssey cards.

Our Dearly Departed

Twenty-four characters died in the Apocalypse. As usual, Daniel brings you up to date on the storylines so you can see what’s happening… Or who WAS happening.