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A Day At The Old Bender House

How to get Kurt Hahn to help you out with a deck.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #25: Heroes of Might and Magic the Gathering

The history of Magic writing has periods in which good writers were led astray by computer games, never to return. Well, I came back but I got an article out of it. And a Type 2 decklist.

Odyssey Limited Drafting With Torment: Is Blue Any Good?

The blue in is somewhere between half and half. It’s not as good as the blue in Odyssey, that’s for sure… But it’s not exactly ‘s white, either. The creatures are all right, with , , and all being favourites of mine. There isn’t much in the way of solid counterspells and bounce, with all…

How To Avoid Manascrew, Guaranteed

A tip that is guaranteed to work, every time!

You CAN Play Type I #31: Tormented by Torment, Part II – Instants

Sweet relief at last, a card from Torment may actually make its way into The Deck!

Why Magic Is Better Than Curling

The 2002 Winter Olympics have wound up their festivities for another four years. Though Magic is not amongst the sports played this year (never mind the fact that curling is considered athletic enough to be in Salt Lake City), a number of introspective thoughts can be taken from those sports that are and applied to…

Tech Tips #1: How To Win A PTQ

He doesn’t have a lot of experience at it, but he’s willing to share what he has with you. And he shares everything he knows.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #123: Hall Of Fame Tour Guides: The Gardeners

Thirty cards instead of twenty-five! Each card now comes with a haiku attached! Creeping Mold drops out of the top, and #1 is no surprise (again)! It’s the HALL OF FAME, FOLKS!

How To Hate Psychatog

Traditional black removal can’t kill an Atog. Traditional black removal can’t kill an Enforcer. What can?

Sample Creature Mechanics for “You Make The Card”

Want a couple of ideas for new mechanics? Bennie’s auctioning off his leftovers for anyone who wants ’em!

I Don’t Have Much To Say, But Let Me Give It A Try

Rizzo breaks loose on the issues of… Oh well.

Drafting White/Blue In Odyssey/Torment

I’ve been drafting every morning on Magic Online, and I have some thoughts on an archetype I’ve had success with. Oh, and I finally go off on Magic’s pricing structure. Has it been too long since I ranted?

There’s A Light That Never Goes Out (PG-13)

A little late for Valentine’s Day, Tony Boydell offers some”adult” variants of Magic that one can play with a partner. The rest we leave up to your sordid imagination, or you can just click the link.

It Was A Fairly Boring Week

In a departure from his usual style, Rizzo fills us in on the events of Magic over the past seven days.

You CAN Play Type I #30: Tormented by Torment, Part II – Enchantments and Sorceries

An extensive analysis of how you won’t be using any of Torment in Type One. But hey, at least Oscar tells you why! (Okay, there’s one. For Parfait. For the mirror match. Maybe.)