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Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #27: Updating Classic Combos For Multiplayer

Plagiarize and Teferi’s Puzzlebox was too clunky… But it put me in mind of taking several classic combos and adding Faceless Butcher and Upheaval to them. Yow! Instakill!

The Last Of The Draft: Red, Green, and Lands in Torment

Red I’m surprised that a lot of people haven’t been giving as much love to Red as they have black. Sure, the set has tons of black cards – but just look at the great stuff red got! Reuseable burn, burn, more burn, decent creatures – and hey, it’s ! And then some more burn….

CASUAL FRIDAYS #125: Hall Of Fame Tour Guides: The Mad Scientists…And Vandals!

Weirdo writer
Desperately writes poetry
The man is insane

The Casual Report #8: Crazy Coke-Free, Combo-Free Multiplayer Madness!

Pre-game show: I give Dave a call, offering to give him a ride into town, since I am watching my own house for a few weeks this month* and am staying close to his place. I did this mostly just to find out if he is going, and because Dave is a good guy and…

Coerced To Compose About Compulsion

Daniel’s mad for Torment – and he goes crazy over blue’s new sifting card!

The Also-Rans: Other Decks Swarming About For Regionals

Creating decks is a very opinionated thing – and Will offers up seven decks that are having success in various places, but not smashing tournaments. Yet.

Double or Nothing: Ban Tonsils!

Holed up with an inflamed throat, Jim recuperates by playing decks… A LOT of decks. And while he’s at it, he shares the deck massaging he’s done over the past two weeks.

Welcome To My Overcompensation, Part II – Pack Dinner And A Sleeping Bag

Wow, can this man write or what?

You CAN Play Type I #32: The Control Player’s Bible, Part XIII – Rounding out “The Deck”

Including a”wacky” deck that you might just play for fun if you had a thousand dollars in cards, and comin’ up on the finish line with artifacts!

Wacky Wednesdays #14: Writing For Wacky Wednesdays Is An Art….

Share your craziest multiplayer story and win $5 in StarCity credit!

Oh, For God’s Sake, He Broke The Database Again – His Article, Part III

Yeah, yeah, yeah, more Rizzo.

Welcome To My Overcompensation – Pack A Lunch (Part One)

So Rizzo’s one-line articles are explained – and he turns in a HUNDRED-PAGE ARTICLE to make up for it. Does the editor have enough time to edit a hundred pages in a day? Hells no. At least Rizzo won two tourneys with this deck, though.

Torment Draft Review: How’s The Black Lookin’?

Black Yeah, generally the black is pretty dang solid. The removal is excellent; just plain and downright excellent. The nightmare horrors are interesting, to say the least, and the other spells are pretty strong. There are a few duds (I mean, is a reprint from Homelands!), but it’s generally all quality cards that mesh pretty…

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #26: Breaking Plagiarize

I built half-a-dozen decks trying to break this damn card wide open. It was a lot tougher than you might think.

Tasty Leftovers: Q&A with Mark Rosewater

I did an interview with Mark Rosewater in Scrye #50 (on sale now!). But when I was done, I had some questions (and answers) left over… Which were too good to toss into the bin. So here they are!