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The Daily Shot: Don’t Call Me “Mister”

Let me tell you right now, friends (and I’m speaking, one somehow assumes, in the dynamic polytone voice of a backwoods Wonder Tonic huckster): This fellow Randy Buehler is a decent human being. But who is this so-called”Mister Buehler”?

You CAN Play Type I #45: Deconstructing Mark Rosewater

Mark Rosewater said that”an Extended deck (Miracle Gro) from the latest Extended season has gone on to have a huge influence on Type 1…” Why is he wrong and why does this deck (and Illusionary Mask) fail in the Format Of The Eldest Cards?

OBC Follies

In OBC alone, there are at least four solid U/G decks I can count:”Mongrel Madness,” U/G Upheaval, Quiet Roar, and lately I’ve seen a bounce-heavy variant running Wonder, Elephant Guide, and Cephalid Constable. All share similarities, but have enough differences to be considered unique.

This Isn’t Jeopardy – A StarCity Contest!

Hey. You. Wanna win some stuff? Know something about Magic storylines? Well, why not try your hand at Daniel’s latest trivia quiz?

Mixed kNuts: Boring, Boring Psychatog

I’ve played my deck in tournaments three times since Regionals – and won them all. I stopped playing it when people started bitching about the deck… And did I mention that it beats Tog consistently and sideboards to make that beating as regular as my grandma on Metamucil?

The Daily Shot: What Did I Do Wrong At The First Nats Grinder?

While this lesson is probably elementary to very experienced Limited players, it opened my eyes to a whole new aspect of Sealed deck construction strategy – and I consider myself a fair Limited player. Maybe it will help you too.

Travels With Schlomo’s Pickup Truck

Mike discusses his strategies behind creating Turian Squirrel Opposition and taking it to Grand Prix: Milwaukee AND US Nationals! Along the way, he discusses death flights with Zev Gurwitz, sleeve tornados, the Togit sideboard, and how Mike Like Read.

The Daily Shot: How I Qualified For – No, Wait; How I Arrived At Canadian Nationals

How Geordie stumbled into Canadian Nats, got ripped off by a drink vendor, his thoughts on floor sleeping, evil trading ‘R’ us, and copious use of the word”asshammer.”

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy # 37: Being Contrarian

In the new Type 2, the”general wisdom and market drivers” are threshold, flashback and incarnations – in other words, the graveyard. Can Peter develop an effective deck that yanks the graveyard out from under his opponents?

Wacky Wednesdays #25: Why Use Counters When You Have A Phone?

Well, it came in just a bit late for Wednesday – but who ever said Thursdays couldn’t have the fun? Win $5 in StarCity credit just for sharing your craziest multiplayer story!

Turning Our Backs On Jonny Magic: Why Steve OMS Was Wrong

Anyone willing to say what happened with Steve OMS was in any way Jon’s fault is severely misguided. I say that you’re all full of crap.

The Daily Shot: Mea Culpa Soula Burna

Sometimes it pays to keep your mouth shut. I try to be a good strategy writer, but when you have a lot of blank space to fill you sometimes pepper your work with stream of consciousness snippets that aren’t exactly”tech.” In fact, some of the things said are damn near criminal.

Deck Clinic #3: Reyanimator

Doc, tell me straight out: Can this Reanimator deck be competitive in the current format? And what can we learn about how Reanimator decks work in general?

A Thousand-Dollar Journey For Nothing?, Part II – Beating Garfield With A Kiss

Yeah, yeah, yeah – the woman with the Viking helmet scrubbed out in the draft at Nations. You don’t care. But I bet you want the tourney report on the Live Action Magic game she played with Richard Garfield himself, using Alan Comer, Gary Wise, and Sol Malka as cards….

The Daily Shot: What You NEED To Know About Magic Online

I played Asheron’s Call – I mean I played. Like”twelve hours per day, hook up a coffee IV and let it drip” played. And I know exactly how people rip you off in online games, and you need to know how they’ll screw you on MOL if you’re not careful.