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Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #42: Swinging in Type 1

Remember – in Type One, the Power Nine aren’t what kill you; it’s what you cast with the Power Nine that destroys. Want to know the most common cards that can turn any losing proposition into a rout?

CASUAL FRIDAYS #137: Alpha Males

Lots of stuff I want to talk about this week – some new decks, how Magic players act, my dog, how writers write, my various neuroses – and it all comes back to the Alpha Kavu. Or maybe another card.

You CAN Play Type I #53: The Nantuko Conspiracy

you have to critically determine which games are won due to Shade and which are due to,”Hymn, Hymn, I win!” The variants are very close in terms of cards used, play the same strategy, and you have to base your judgment only in the games where the changes made an impact. Obviously, it’ll take people a while to notice something… And even longer to decide if there’s a problem.

Who Plays Rootwallas Anymore?: Dave’s PTQ-Houston Report

I’d settled into mono-black, as we’d gotten a version that we felt could handle U/G and wasn’t that bad against G/W either. I’d started with the strangler-heavy”Snarf Black” and morphed it into this version, called”Desperado.” Originally it was”Disco Strangler,” but when I took the stranglers out, I needed a new Eagles song to use.

The Human Component

So how was it possible for me to I have fun if all my hopes couldn?t come true? The key was the people who I played with.

The Daily Shot: Work With Me

I don’t gravitate towards games that are”like work.” You can play Magic: The Gathering as a lark and not have a care in the world. It isn’t the games – it’s me. I make my games like work. Do you?

My Wife The Unicorn

I learned a very important lesson at GenCon – not necessarily about OBC, but about Magic in general. But to get to the lesson, you’ll have to stay with me through a discussion of the World’s Weirdest Top 8, a Big Decision made before the tourney, and the usual fluff that I put in my so-called articles.

The Daily Shot: CARDS

Bad cards, bad cards, whatcha’ gonna’ do? Whatcha gonna do, when they come for you?

The Daily Shot Patrol arrests the worst 3-cc cards of all time!

The Daily Shot: Magic Lessons From Around The World

Twenty proverbs of ancient wisdom, scoured from sources across the globe. Twenty relations to modern Magic, and reminders of things that will improve your game. Twenty wise-ass comments thrown in for free.

Quick Thoughts On The Three-Judge System

Even Your Move Games, one of the best-attended game stores in the USA, occasionally needs the three-judge system. We could probably have found a way around it – perhaps by bullying one of the judges to skip playing that week – but I know I won’t be that judge. Is Magic really better off if one of the other people who loves it has to choose between playing and judging in a small, low-K tournament?

A Gathering Of Magic

Usually, I have Friday night services at my temple that start at exactly the same time as the Friday Night Magic tournament. Last Friday, however, services ended a whopping hour before they usually begin , so I got to head over to StarCity Games for some much-needed Magic playing.

The Daily Shot: Ten On Three

How many good creatures have there been for three mana? What other three-mana creatures have influenced environments? Can we count them on one hand, or maybe two? Is this as silly as I think it might be?

Multiplayer Is An Art, Part 15: A Mental Note.

Heard about this Mental Magic format, but don’t know how to start? Stijn introduces you to perhaps THE wackiest format in Magic, the house rules they’ve developed from years of play, and solid strategy to use when you decide to make your Wild Mongrel into a Seedtime.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #41: Cephalid Constable

Here’s another card I figure could be broken… But what colors work best with it, and what prevents the much-hyped Constable lock from being a Tier 2 Standard deck?

OBC Fires, Take II: The Continuing Exploits of R/G

Fires-IELN was metagamed heavily towards the mirror and Quiet Roar; those were both matchups that my R/G deck lost to initially. And while Origins was chock-full of Quiet Speculation, the environment has morphed into more Mono Black Control. I had to change it back.